"Not much. He was more of a secluded person. But he did each me how to do things on my own. He was tough and taught me self defense, how to fight, and gave me a pocket knife in elementary school. Punishment wasn't taking lightly. He never really got along with others well, probably why Mom left. And from what I can remember, we look a lot alike." By the time we had both finished our descriptions, we were parked in front of the hospital.

"Well, let's go," I smiled as I hopped out of the car in hopes of getting rid of the depressing aura. He put on a smile and went along with it but I could tell that it was forced. My smile fell as we got closer to the doors, to mom, to another break down. One that I definitely didn't want to have in front of Gajeel.

We walked up to the front desk and the lady asked who we were and who we were here to visit.

"Levy McGarden," was all I had to say before her face lit up.

"Oh Ms. McGarden, we have some especially important news for you about your mom," as the words left her mouth, I'm sure my face lit up also. "Here, I'll take you to her room," she opened a pair of double doors before leading us down the long, white hallway. The suspense seemed to build with different scenarios running through my head. When we go to my mom's door, she held it open for us.

Gajeel and I stood there awkwardly as she grabbed a clip board and started examining it.

"Your mother has been showing signs of waking up soon," she looked up from the paper with a wide, assuring grin.

"R-really?" I choked out from the lump in my throat in disbelief. Could this really be true? God, I hoped so.

"Yes," she smiled at me before leaving us and returning to somewhere else in the hospital.

I staggered over to the bed and collapsed into the chair beside it. I grabbed her hand and held it in both of mine as tears started working down my face. Tears dripped onto our hands as I started to sob.

"You're gonna come back Mum," I sobbed with a smile on my face. "I'm sorry. I miss you and I can't wait until you can come home again." I let go of her hand and hugged her tightly.

After a few minutes I looked up and I remembered that Gajeel was there. "Sorry about that," I apologized as I wiped my eyes to clear away the tears and put on a smile.

"Nah, it's fine, Shrimp," he shook his head as he jammed his fists into his pockets. This must be kind of awkward for him.

"Well, this is my mum," I made a small attempt of a laugh. "And maybe you will get to meet her someday soon."

A thought suddenly rushed through my head. "When she wakes up and gets out of here things will go back to the way they were. I'll go back home with her. You won't have to take care of me anymore. You don't even have to be dragged into my activities or talk to me anymore. You can go back to your normal life and I'll go back to mine."

When I mentioned the part about me going back home, his face seemed to fall. But he soon recovered from that and seemed like himself again. Until I mentioned us going our separate ways; that's when his face fell again.

"Shrimp," He said seriously, "you gotta get something straight, okay?"

"What?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"You didn't 'drag' me into anything. I volunteered to take you into my house. You didn't force me to hang out with you and your friends; I wanted to. I'm not just going to stop talking to you after you go home." By then he had me in a hug. I still didn't get why he agreed to have coffee with me on that day that we met, but I'm glad he did. "I enjoy hanging out with you, Shrimp." He opened his mouth again as if to say something but he shut it.

What the hell's wrong with me? I hugged him back and held him tightly. I could hear his breaths and his heartbeat as he had his arms wrapped around my body and mind around his.

"Thanks, Gajeel," I smiled up at him as he let go and pulled away.

"Your not gonna shut me out after you go home, right?" He smirked as his hands rested on my shoulders as he looked me in the eyes.

"Right," I assured him with a smile and looked away, down at the floor.

We stayed there for a little while. We chatted. I talked with Mum, even if she couldn't hear me. Gajeel stayed right beside me the whole time we were there. we stayed there a couple of hours before finally leaving. In the car he made sure, again, that I wouldn't shut him out.

"We gotta make sure to hang out, okay?" He said with Get Scared playing in the background.

"Yeah, we will, okay? You already asked this," I laughed. I assured him that we would stay in contact constantly after I went home. That night we are spaghetti and ended up watching Netflix and eating ice cream afterwards.

We stayed on the couch all night, me cuddled up in his lap with a blanket surrounding us in a cocoon. I don't know why I was doing this with him. We were just friends, well I still had a crush on him. Living with him only made me like him more. But I never did this with anyone, not even Jet, my ex who only cares about his reputation. He fawned over me sometimes but I guess things just didn't work out.

We were watching Say I Love You. Saddest shit ever when the model girl comes in. No. She needs to go away, please.

Gajeel pushed me off of him and took both of our empty bowls to the kitchen and put them in the sink. He basically just picked me up and say me back in his lap when he got back. He snaked his arms around my waist and sat his chin on my head as we watched the TV.

"This house is going to be lonely when you leave," he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear, as if there were other people that would be ease dropping.

"I'll still hang out all of the time," I assured him as my eyes stayed on the screen.

"Yeah, I know," he mumbled before we both stopped talking and watched the show instead. I dozed off sometime after Gajeel turned the TV off and we just laid there.

I think later that night, after I fell asleep, he carried me to bed.

I Need You (a GajEvy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now