China nodded in agreement. "If you stay here, you're only going to get in the way. Just get away, quickly." He ordered, his voice hard.

Prussia nodded and took Italy's hand. "Let's go, Ita. Let's get out of here."

Together they moved to leave. Italy hesitated for one moment longer before finally allowing himself to be tugged through the door.

"You really are perfect for the role of villain," China turned his head to smirk half-heartedly at Russia.

Russia smiled back. "You're quite the actor yourself."

"I have to find... Japan... quickly. While I got all sluggish here... I forgot... again..."

Russia closed his eyes, waiting for China to finish his thought. When he didn't, he opened his eyes and peered over at him. "China?"

Silence was his response.

Russia tilted his head back against the wall, a quiet, bitter laugh leaving his throat. "Haa... Even in this place... I'm all alone yet again..." Then he closed his eyes and took his final breath, too.

And now...

Italy was in the room with America, with England and Canada lying down on two beds placed beside them. Their blood soaked into the sheets. They didn't move. They weren't breathing.

"Yeah, we'll be fine, so just get out of here and get us reinforcements or something," America was saying, his breathing heavy from exertion and injury. He leaned against the wall with his hand, favoring one foot for the other.

"Wait! In the meantime, even you will get hurt beyond help-"

America waved his hand indifferently. "It's fine. Besides, I want to do these two a favor and stay with them."

Italy's breath hitched as he followed America's line of sight to the beds beside them. "America..."

"Haaa... No, that isn't it. They can't hear me anymore, so I'll tell you in all honesty..." He limped in between the beds, moving to sit while placing one hand on England's head and the other on Canada's head. "I want to stay with them. Till my last moment. Because they're both very important to me."

"And because you're going to... protect me-"

America grinned. "Haha! Yeah. Even though I can't move anymore." He looked down at his mangled leg. "But I'm not making a mistake. And I regret nothing."

Italy just stared at him, paralyzed.

"Anyway, go for it, dude. I wish you luck." America saluted him playfully before turning back to his family with a heavy heart.

And finally...

"We got the key."

Italy was wailing now. He hiccuped and sobbed, shaking violently as he did. He collapsed on the floor on his knees in front of his two friends.

Germany sighed. "Hey, stop crying. We risked our lives and went through so much to get it back. You should be happier."

"Wh-why did you lie...? You said you were only going to take a look around..." Italy sniffed.

"Ah, yes. Well... it's probably for the same reason you didn't tell us that everyone else is dead."

Italy gasped. "You knew-?!"

Prussia and Germany exchanged an obvious glance. Meanwhile Italy stared, torn apart in his anguish, at the dark red stains that were slowly getting larger on their uniforms.

Prussia laughed. "Haha! Well... now, West, why don't we take a little rest? I'm really tired."

"You're right, bruder(2). You can go ahead; I'll catch up with you."

Unraveling the World | HetaOni (Hetalia x Mute!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now