8. Emmerson

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Hailey picks me up from Brody's apartment, and I've just slid into the passenger seat when she says, "Please tell me you did not have sex with that useless man

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Hailey picks me up from Brody's apartment, and I've just slid into the passenger seat when she says, "Please tell me you did not have sex with that useless man."

"He got sloppy and fell asleep before anything happened." I should probably stick up for Brody. That's the right thing to do, but Hailey and I have never worked that way. Straight up honesty. She dislikes Brody, and I'm not sure how to feel anymore. With him, as much as I want to, I don't know if I can reach normal

I crave the stability of a boyfriend like him. He comes from a good family, and he treats me well. How can I still want more? What more is there? Stable, functional family background, good to me. The trifecta I've always said would be exactly what I need. My indifference to him doesn't make any sense. I should be over the moon. Head over heels. Or at least not so... Blah.

"Not surprised he passed out. One way or another he was going to let you down. He is a man."

Instead of defending the male population, I stare out the window. I haven't felt like myself since I woke up. There's a vague sense of disappointment floating around inside me, and I don't know if it's just from last night with Brody or if it's more. On top of that, I've got another gap in my memory.

Brody said he found me in the woods before we came back home, and I don't remember going to the woods. Going outside? Yeah. But then it's just... Blank. Again.

What the fuck is happening to me?

Not a single dream last night, well, I guess they're more like nightmares. Normally, when I sleep somewhere new, I either wake up in a panic or I have a night terror. Whatever trauma I had as a baby before being dumped into foster care dogs my unconscious hours, and coupled with my abandonment issues over my plethora of foster home shuffles, I don't sleep well.

Last night was the best sleep I can remember having in ages that wasn't directly linked to a sleeping pill. Being beside Brody did that, and yet there's still this unnamed disappointment. Do I wish I had sex with Brody? Is that it?

Ever since the gas station blew up, my life hasn't made any sense. Not that it was particularly well ordered before, but it was at least predictable, routine oriented.

"I need a new job," I say as Hailey cruises through the center of the small east coast town where Cape Beatrice is located. Quaint shops line the main street, no big box stores in sight. Sometimes this place feels like a slice of life carved out of America, never quite progressing into the 21st century.

Just then, my phone pings. When I dig it out of my pocket, there's a text message from Brody with a timestamp from last night. Weird that it only delivered now, but that's also part of the charm and frustration of Cape Beatrice. Cell service is a mystery. Here one minute; gone the next.

"Brody says the State Park is hiring. Night shift." Someone he was talking to at the party last night mentioned it to him, and he was thoughtful enough to text me, even though he was drunk and couldn't find me.

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