🍱~Dark Power~🍱

Start from the beginning

The both of us immediately run over, and open the door, to see Dareth in Harumi's place on the chair. "I know this looks pretty bad, I take full responsibility."

"Dareth? Where is she?" Lloyd asked slowly

"I'm sorry the brown ninja couldn't put up a better fight." He sighed shaking his head

"Dareth where did she go?!" I yell at him

"I- I don't know." He stuttered

"This isn't good." Lloyd said with disappointment

"No it's not. She's gone back to father." I replied

"Can you untie me?" Dareth piped up

"No!" Me and Lloyd shout in unison


Skylor returns to the Resistance's hideout.

"Skylor!" I run up to her with the rest of the resistance

"Where's Mystake?" Nya asked

"I... I..." Skylor stuttered heartbroken

"She didn't... make it?" Dareth spoke up as she shakes her head. I sigh hitting the wall in frustration. She was the only one who knew about my families past, and now I have no one to answer my questions. More importantly she was my friend, and mentor.

My father took her away, just like everything else.

Nya reacted the same way as me kicking a garbage bag across the room in frustration. The garbage bag hits, moving a walkie-talkie.

Ultra Violet: On walkie-talkie. "Target last seen at the intersection of Nelson and LaMonica."

Killow: On walkie-talkie. "Got it. We're moving in."

"You were followed." Nya noted

"Did you touch him?" I ask hopeful she did

"Yes." Skylor reassured

"Can you control it?" Lloyd replied

"Not sure. But there's one way to find out." We all move up to the the top of the building as Skylor attempts to control the Colossus. The Colossus' fingers move, then spins around.

"Yes! Woo-hoo!"

"Skylor you did it!"

"Yes! Haha. Alright."

"It's working!"

The Colossus walks towards us.

"That's... not... me." Skylor managed to say

"Garmadon is controlling it! We have to go." Nya stated

"You can do this. Take control. Break his hold." I encouraged her

Skylor reached her hand out still struggling.  "I... can't."

"Uh... that's close enough for me." Dareth screams and runs into the building.

"We need to get out of here. Your father's too powerful." Nya added

"Control it, Skylor. I have faith in you. You felt his power and now it's yours. You can do it. Control it. Feel his power." I guide as Garmadon prepares the blow. "Control it."

I watched as Garmadon brings his hand down but Skylor manages to stop the Colossus's hand.

Skylor struggles, taking the control slowly. "I'm... doing it."

"Yes! Now use it." Lloyd spoke happily as Skylor yells and takes control. Down below the Resistance, the SoG rides in. Skylor uses the Colossus to step on SoG vehicles.

Ultra Violet puts on the Oni Mask of Hatred. "Now we will have a fight!" She continuously punches the Colossus.

"I wanted to do this for a long time." Skylor smirked as she uses the Colossus to pick up Ultra Violet.

Killow puts on the Oni Mask of Deception and throws cars up at the Colossus. The Colossus blocks them and the cars fall back down towards him. The cars land on him and his mask falls off. He picks up the mask, only to find it broken. Skylor turns the Colossus towards Borg Tower.

Dareth steps out, laughing. "I always knew you could do it."

"It's time to knock the emperor. Off. His. Throne." Nya said with a smile. The Colossus reaches base of tower and starts to climb. Garmadon struggles and panics in realization as he tries to take back control.

"Yes! Woohoo!" I cheered and the Colossus continues to climb. Garmadon continues to struggle.

Skylor raises the Colossus' right hand while Garmadon tries to take back control. Skylor struggles but swings the Colossus's hand down. I watched as he slowly gains control of the Colossus. Skylor struggles to bring Colossus's hand down again.

"Something's wrong." Nya commented as Skylor continues to struggle.

Both Skylor and Garmadon lose control and The Colossus falls down. "No." I whispered as people run away screaming.

"My father's power. It's too strong." Lloyd said and she tries to regain back her control. "I can hold on." Skylor spoke determined, making my stomach uneasy. The Colossus turns towards Garmadon. They both shake off the power but Garmadon immediately takes control.

"His power. It's hurting her!" Lloyd shouted


Garmadon tries to regain his control. The Colossus wobbles and crashes into the building People run away screaming for their lives.

"Let go, Skylor! Let go!" I yell shaking at her arm and see Skylor's eyes turn purple.

"She can't." Lloyd said as he pulls Skylor away from the side of the building. "His power will kill her."

The Colossus finally falls on the building, where Harumi is standing.

"Rumi..." Lloyd whispers as everyone watches the building fall.

I could see my dad from the tower he bowed down and then got up in anger. "He cared for her?" I managed to breathe out as he marches the Colossus towards us

Nya shakes Skylor. "I—I can't wake her up. It's like his power poisoned her."

"Whoa whoa whoa, Doctor of Dark Arts. Should any of us really be making a diagnosis?" Dareth questioned

"No. Nya's right. I think the only way to save Skylor is to get his power out of her." I say and try to help Skylor.

"I don't know anything about that. But I do know what's coming our way!" Dareth shouted and everyone except Skylor looks up to see the Colossus approaching us.

•The World Isn't Ending• (Cole x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now