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I sat down on a tree stump in the forest. What do I do?

"Y/n!" Cole called rushing to my side

"Go away Cole."

"No you need to come back we need to leave now." Cole replied

"If I come with you guys I will just be putting you in more danger." I sighed

"I thought you might say that which is why I hope someday you'll forgive... Now Kai!" Cole shouted as everything went dark.


I woke up to feel hand cuffs and I was in a cell. They really are taking no chances. I smirked but this cell isn't a problem I can get out whenever I want. A little manipulation should work.

I stood up looking in the mirror. I feel different but in a good way like I can finally be honest. I can finally start my destiny... of tearing the ninja apart.

"Y/n?" Sensei questioned snapping me away from the reflection "how are you feeling?"

"A lot better. I think these handcuffs can come off." I replied as he looked unsure

"I think it's best you stay in them. But I will let you out. The ninja are very worried about you." Sensei said opening the cell

"Are they now?" I whispered stepping out

"You should go see them we escaped Morro and they are setting up camp outside." Sensei explained

"I'll head out there now." I smiled walking outside I know Sensei isn't falling for it I'll just have to try extra hard with him. I look to see the ninja finished putting up a campfire and some logs to sit on.

"Oh Y/n your okay!" Jay smiled as everyone ran up to give me a group hug. I rolled my eyes then put on a fake smile as they let go

"Of course it will take more then some spell to corrupt me." I lied as Kai looked at the handcuffs confused "just a precaution." I assured as he smiled nodding

"Care to hear a ghost story?" Sensei asked as we all sat down

"If it means saving Lloyd, of course." Zane replied

"Morro may have been my first pupil, but he was also my greatest regret. Before he was a cursed spirit, it wasn't I who found him...but he who found me. My brother had just gone off to train under Master Chen, which gave me time to attempt my hand at teaching. Morro was the perfect student. He did everything that was ever asked of him.I had shown him things he had never seen. And he showed me a few things too. He had a power over the Wind I had never seen. He was a descendant of an Elemental Master. It was then I thought I had found the one. Perhaps he would wear green." Sensei told but Jay interrupted

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Back up. You're saying Morro, the Master of Wind, was gonna be the Green Ninja!?" The wind shifts, causing the fire to become bigger.

"Uh, did that just happen? Maybe I don't like ghost stories." Cole replied

"What happened next, Sensei?" I questioned ignoring everyone I wanted to know more about Morro

"After I told him he could be the Green Ninja, there was a hunger unmatched. There was an arrogance in him. I feared I had made a terrible mistake. But it wasn't for me to decide. It was destiny. When the Golden Weapons didn't respond like they did for Lloyd later, I knew Morro wouldn't become the chosen one. He became obsessed to prove me wrong. To prove destiny wrong. He became reckless. He thought he was invincible. I knew right there and then I could not teach those who would not listen. He told me he would find my father's tomb to prove he was worthy. I told him it could not be found. My father had left no message. I left the gate open in hopes he'd return, but he never came back. I am saddened he was banished to the Cursed Realm. But what worries me more is that he escaped, and for what reason? To save Lloyd and return your powers, you must find the tomb before he does. Or else." Sensei trailed off

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