9. what is it?

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/Okay so there is some Enochian in there, if you're curious onto what it means I'll comment what it is don't worry


Dean's POV;


Nothing to see

He could feel his skin burn, but he couldn't see

Or yell

Or hear

He could feel the chains holding him up

The blood drip down from everywhere on his body

Suddenly, he saw light

Out of all the darkness

He could see

A being of light walking towards him

Big black wings showed behind him. They seemed wounded, like he had been through hell to get here. His eyes were shining a bright blue, just like his halo

He was here to save him


The being walked slowly towards Dean

The righteous man couldn't move



Only admire

The man of light approached closer and closer

He had a face

A beautiful face

Dean stared in awe as the angel cupped his cheek

He opened his mouth, saying something

But Dean couldn't understand

It was simple words

" Ol've fallen bagle aai "

Simple but meaningful words

The human could not understand him

He leaned into the touch

He was safe

He spoke back with words, still not able to comprehend

"Ol've fallen bagle aai ta well, murifri"

He could feel himself smile

He was


The being of light approached their faces together, connecting they're lips

It was perfect

This, was heaven

Dean woke up from his blissful dream

He didn't know what it meant, but he enjoyed it

Whatever it was

It was nice

He sat up, looking around the familiar room only lit by sunlight

He was back at the motel


He heard clanking from the kitchen

Was it all a dream? No, it couldn't have been. His first morning was chaotic and this

This was peaceful

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