8. how about hunting

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/Okay, this is going to be a long one

This is continuing where they last left off, + the hunt so, yeeey

I love this story ngl, even though it's a whole different take and barely no one reads it, I love it/

Dean's POV :

"Fine, I'm with you"

Dean smiled. "then let's get hunting, angel"

The human turned back to the bed, opening his laptop once more. This time, not sitting down ; no, he was not purposefully showing his ass to Cas. That'd be absurd "So, how to we get our hunting action on?"

"I believe we do research around our area" he said, looking anywhere but where the man wanted him to look

Dean blinked a few times, waiting for Castiel to continue his explanation. "Which means...?"

"Local police reports, the newspapers, the news, anything, really"

"Alright, okay"

Dean went on google, ready to research the police's recent calls and any intriguing news

When it hit him

"Cas, where are we?"

"We are in Leavenworth Kansas"

Dean's whole body stopped

"Wh- where?"

"... In Kansas?"

"WHY-" he stopped himself, knowing that yelling at the angel was NOT the best idea. The guy has been on earth for three days, maybe four. Screaming again was not ideal. He turned back around, facing him."Why, are we so far away from Arizona?" He asked, more calmly

"Demons were after you back there, so I thought that it would've been best if we were far away from where they had last seen you-"

"My FAMILY is back there! SAM is back there!! If Demons are looking for me, than you can bet your feathery ass that they are going to hunt them down for information "

"John and Mary are more than capable of handling themselves, Dean. Sam is in good hands. You don't have to worry abo-"

"I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT JOHN AND MARY" he yelled. All of his thoughts were now gone. He had to know if Sam was okay. "SAM is all ALONE over there and I CAN'T PROTECT HIM NOW" he was towering over the angel, anger filling his vision

Castiel POV:

He was terrified

He had never been yelled at like that

His eyes were wide in fear, his head spinning in thoughts. He thought he was doing the right thing, protecting them from the bullseye that is Dean

Maybe he was wrong, maybe it was his fault

"I'm sorry-"

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it, pal. Now Zap me back over there so we can get Sammy and-"


"What? What do you mean 'No'??"

"Dean, don't you understand? Every- and I mean every supernatural being is looking for you right now. From Werewolves to Demons. Even my rogue brethren are looking to murder you. Keeping you away is the safest thing I can provide"

"We could've just moved a few cities away, not states!"

"It was too much of a risk"

"I didn't wanna LEAVE, Cas!!"

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