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I jump every time he shoots at us, trying to maintain my balance in order to run, the adrenaline pumping through me. I grip onto Eddie's hand, scared we are going to get separated.

He leads us out into the woods by the lake. I peak behind me as we continue to run. Jason is no where to be seen but his gun shots are still a prominent sound in the distance. We are both breathing heavily as we duck under some huge rocks. 'Dustin. Dustin it's Eddie we need help.' Eddie says gripping desperately onto the walkie, his breath heavy. There is no reply. I stare at Eddie's panicked face, suddenly aware of a growing patch of liquid on his arm. I stare in horror as I see a gun shot wound.

'Fuck Eddie!' I yell pointing at his arm. He stares at his arm in horror and drops to the ground. I run to his side taking off his hoodie and wrapping it tightly around his arm, leaving me in my sports bra. I put pressure on it, desperately trying to get the bleeding to stop.

'We have to get you to a hospital.' I say hauling Eddie up, my hand still clasped around his wound. I rip some of the joggers and tie it tightly around the wound. He winces and stares at me blankly. 'Hey! I liked those joggers.' I look around desperately for somewhere to hide. Eddie was loosing consciousness. 'Shit Eddie stay awake.' I say. 'Keep looking at me'

'I'm coming for you freak.' I can hear Jason getting closer. I search my mind for a way out but everything seems impossible. I am too weak to move him. I look down at Eddie who is clutching at his wound looking back at me. 'I'll be right back.' I say and stand up, ignoring Eddie tugging me back down in protest. He knew what I was going to do.

I put my hands up walking towards Jason. 'Jason please don't do this.' I say. He turns his gun towards me.
'Why shouldn't I?' He says shaking with anger. 'That freak stole my girlfriend.'

'He did not steal me.' I reply approaching him nearer. 'I made my own choice.'
'I am have made mine,'
I gasp lightly as Jasón turns his gun away from me. 'Eddie No' I say desperately. I watch as Jasón cocks the gun and pounce onto him without hesitation causing the bullet to be fired into the sky. I put up a fight but he is much stronger than me. He pushes me onto the ground sitting on top of me. His hands make their way around my neck. I gasp for air scratching at him trying to get him off. But it is no use.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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