ONE: Recap

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By the way this first chapter is JUST FOR CONTEXT and it basically is just a rough copy of the events leading up to the story I am writing about. Obviously a lot of this is not my original work and I take no credit for it. It is just for fun so I will be using and altering a lot of scenes from the series.
'Are you deaf? I said go away!' I yell as I hear knocks as the door, my hands still clasped around the dirty toilet bowl of Hawkins high.
'Chrissy?' My heart beats faster as I hear my mums voice. I turn to face the toilet door.
'Mom?' I say.
'You ready to try on the dress again?' She says the lights beginning to flicker. 'I loosened the back for you.'
I scream throwing myself backwards as I hear squelching footsteps approaching, my moms voice becoming loud.
'Open the god damn door.' She yells the door rattling. I begin to scream as she hurls abuse at me, a monsters feet appear under the toilet door.
'Go away.' I yell repeatedly my hands over my ears.

Suddenly, the toilet becomes silent. She is gone. I remove my hands from my ears, slowly getting up, my body still shaking with fear.

I tried to act normal for the next period but I couldn't. I knew telling people wouldn't work, they would think I am crazy. I only had one way to calm me from this fear and I had heard where to buy it from.

I walk out of the school building into the woods, my heart thudding with anxiety. I had never done this before. This was out of character to me but nothing about the last week had been normal.

My breath becomes shallow as I enter the woods, I become fearful, paranoid that something was there or someone might see me. I gulp as I see a grandfather clock on the tree. The face of the clock cracks, spiders swarming out of it, causing me to run backwards with fear.

I scream as my back hits something. 'Hey sorry didn't mean to scare you.' I turn to see a tall guy with dark hair smiling at me. 'Are you ok?' He says.

I stare at the table, my breath still quick as we sit down. 'There is nothing to worry about, no one ever comes out here.' He says as he puts his tin box on the table. He opens it to reveal several bags of weed.

'So how does this work exactly?' I say making eye contact with him.

'Just like any other sale just cash only for obvious reasons.' He replies. 'I'll do you a half once for 20. It should last you a while.'
I gasp turning around as I hear rustling behind me. I sigh turning back to him, as I realise it is just a squirrel.
'We don't have to do this.' He says closing his tin box. 'Just say the word and I'll walk away.'
'No I don't want you to go.' I say suddenly being scared for him to leave me. 'It's you ever feel like you are loosing your mind?'

'Ye like on a daily basis.' He says smiling at me, chuckling slightly. 'I mean I feel like I'm loosing my mind right now doing a drug deal with Chrissy Cunningham.' I smile slightly.

'You know this isn't the first time we have met.' He says.

'I'm sorry I don't remember.' I reply.

'It's ok.' He says lurking himself back off the bench dramatically. 'I wouldn't remember myself either.'
I cry out worriedly before giggling, realising he is joking. He begins prancing around the bench.

'You seriously don't remember me?' He says. 'Middle school talent show. I was with my dad...'
Suddenly a memory comes flooding back to me. 'Corroded Coffin!' I yell. He cheers pointing at me. 'Oh my god how could i forget you played guitar right?'

'Uhu still do.' He replies running his hands through his long curls. 'You should come see us. We play at the hideout on Tuesdays. We get a crowd of about 5 drunks but you know you gotta start somewhere right.'

I smile realising how at ease and safe I felt with this stranger. 'You know you aren't what I thought you'd be. I thought you'd be scary.' I say he laughs sitting back down onto the bench
'Well I thought you'd be mean and scary too.' He says. I pull a shocked face.
'Me?' I say laughing.
'Ye.' He says opening up the tin box again. 'Well how about you have half for about 15 buck then.' He pulls out a bag of weed and attempts to hand it to me.

'Do you maybe have something uh.. stronger.' I reply.

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