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I begin walking up the road, away from the scene, my body shaking a little. I stare at the ground trying to figure out my next move. How was I going to find him? I walk back towards his caravan not knowing where else to go. I gasp as I see a dozen police cars outside his house. I look around at the neighbours and various people in their cars staring at the house.

'Babe?' I jump as I hear a voice yell at me. I turn around to see my boyfriend. 'Chrissy? What are you doing here? I thought you were sick.' He says rushing up to me from his now parked car.

I roll my eyes. This was so typical of him. He was only dating me for the social status.'Who told you I was sick?' I say.
'Well you didn't come to the party yesterday so I assumed you felt ill.' He says.

'You assumed? You didn't think to come find me and see if I was ok. Wow Jason are such a great boyfriend.' I say attempting to walk away from him but he grabs my wrist.

'Who's hoodie is that?' Jason says starting to get angry.
'Ow Jason let go.' I say as he tightens his grip on my arm.
'It's Eddie's isn't it?' He says staring at me. 'I didn't believe my friends when they told me you went off with him but you did.' I attempt to wriggle out of his grip.
'You'd rather fuck the freak than your own boyfriend.' He starts but before he can say anything else I kick him between his legs, causing him to let go of me, punching me round the face in response.

'Chrissy you are such a bitch!' He yells as I run off. I run as fast as I can back towards town, along the road. My breath is quick and my heart is beating fast.

Suddenly, a car comes rushing towards me. I freeze as it comes into contact with me, causing me to be hurled backwards. I can hear several of the people in the car cry out. My vision is slightly blurred but I can make out their figures rushing towards me.

'Eddie? Do you know where Eddie is?' I say, my head spinning.
'Wait is that Chrissy?' I can hear a voice say. 'Chrissy keep your eyes open.' After several minutes i start to feel much better. My vision becomes clearer. I almost just as I see four people crowded round me one of them whose face was all too familiar from the various parties I had been too freshman year.

'Steve Harrington?' I say getting up. He tries to help me but I stop him. 'I'm fine honestly. I should've looked where I was going.'
'We literally just hit you with our car I think you should sit down and your nose is bleeding.' A girl around my age with short light hair says.
'No it's ok. I need to get somewhere.' I say trying to walk off but the boy with curly hair stops me.
'You are looking for Eddie.' He says.
'How did you know?' I reply.
'Well you just mumbled something about Eddie back there and you are wearing his clothes.' He replies smugly gesturing to my body. 'Wow I can't believe you and Eddie...' he starts but before he can reply he earns a slap over the head from Steve.

'Shut up Dustin.' Steve says. 'We think we might know where he is alright. Now let's all get off the road and find him before we all get run over.'

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