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We were meant to go to school but both of us were too shaken up to deal with school that day. We spend most of the day lying around in Eddie's room chatting. 'I've always wanted to plait my hair but I have no idea how to.' He says looking in the small mirror by the side of his bed and attempting to plait it.
'Here.' I say crawling over the bed towards him. 'Let me do it.' He sits on the bed in front of me and I gently start parting his hair in two. I then begin to plait each part of hair leaving him with two pigtails.
'Beautiful.' I say smiling as he turns to look at me. We lock eyes for several moments before he breaks away, grabbing the mirror.
'How do i look good in every hairstyle?' He says. I scoff rolling back to the other side of the bed.

It gets to the afternoon and we are still in the same position, staring at the tv. 'Hey shall I go and pick up some food. You must be hungry.' He says, causing to draw my eyes away from the tv.
I shrug. I hadn't had much of an appetite for several days. 'No I'm ok.' I say.
'Oh come on Chrissy you haven't eaten all day. Let me go and get you something. It will make you feel better.' He says, getting up. I look up at him nervously as he walks towards the door.
'I will be 5 minutes ok.' He says giving me a soft smile. I nod sighing.
30 minutes pass and I try to not get worried but anxiety builds up in my stomach. I take a deep breath and look back at the tv. I gasp as I see a road very close to the caravan park on the news. I grab the remote and turn up the tv. 'A body has been found...' The reporter says, I stare in horror as they describe the body and ask for information about the scene.
I jump up not wasting anytime before running out of the caravan. What if that was Eddie?

I rush up the road to see police cars in the distance, beginning to panic. As I approach, I can see people crowded around a body covered by a white blanket. I push past the crowd, searching for Eddie, begging he wasn't there under the white sheet. 'Excuse me sir.' I say to the police officer and he turns to face me. 'Have you seen an Eddie Munson around here?' I say really hoping he wouldn't say yes. The officer narrows his eyes at me. 'No we haven't but his car was found only several metres from the scene.' I look back at the officer in shock.
'What? You don't think he could have done this?' I say, eyeing the covered body to my right.
'Well nothing is for certain. Were you with Eddie this morning?' The police officer says.
I nod. 'And most of yesterday.'
'I think you should come with me. We just need to ask you a few questions.' He replies. My heart rate quickens. I duck under the police tape and follow the policeman into his police car, eyeing Eddie's car in the ditch.

'So first of all where were you about an hour ago and where was Eddie.' He says grabbing a notepad and turning to a fresh page.
'I was at his caravan and he went out to get some lunch for us.' I say bouncing my leg nervously.
'Ok so you can confirm he wasn't with you an hour ago.' He says.
'Yes but..' I begin but the officer cuts me off.
'No further questions you are free to go.' He says gesturing to the door and continuing to write. I feel a wave of nausea wash over me and I immediately get out the car. I throw up on the road for several seconds before straightening back up and walking back towards the crowd.

I had to find Eddie.

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