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We look through the bags for anything we could wear for the night. Eddie finds some joggers and a big tshirt that we assumed was Steve's. 'This will have to do.' He says. I am about to walk in the next room to change but Eddie stops me. 'Chrissy I know this is weird but can you stay just there.' He says.

'Of course.' I say barely even hesitating. I had been in his position less than 24 hours ago and I didn't want to be alone either. I rummage around the bag and I put on some shorts and a vest top and wore Eddie's hoodie over the top. 'You really like that hoodie huh.' Eddie says causing me to turn around.

'Ye It's comfy.' I say low-key checking him out in his new clothes. He stares back at me his eyes making his way down to my legs. He quickly catches himself and suddenly starts looking around. I chuckle slightly seeing how flustered he is. He begins opening cupboards looking under tables until he comes to a stop under the fridge door. I watch him suddenly confused. 'He's a creature of habit.' He says chuckling as he removes a bag full of pills that was stuck under the sink. He takes one out. 'Do you want one?' He says.

'Yes ok.' I say desperate to let loose and not feel so on edge all the time. Besides that is what we had planned to do the day before.
'Only take one these little babies have a kick to them ok.' He says, I nod taking one from his hand. He pours a glass of water and we both take one pill each.

Eddie leads me into a living room area where we both sit down on the ground not yet feeling the affects. We sit in silence for a while before I suddenly feel a feeling of euphoria take over me. The room starts spinning and my vision is blurred. 'Woahhh.' I say giggling slightly.
'I know right.' Eddie replies. We both lie down next to each other our heads touching.

'Look at the sky it's so beautiful'. I say obviously hallucinating a starry sky above me.
'Ye.' Eddie says sounding sleeping. I sit up looking at him.
'Why does your hair look green?'I say touching his hair. 'Wait now its purple.'

He looks up at me giggling. 'You are so pretty.' He says touching my face slightly. I lean closer to him feeling his breath on me. I feel my lips gravitate towards his and we begin to kiss. He holds my head gently as we move our lips against each other. I move my body onto his, leaving no space between us, my legs on either side of his waist. His hands move down my back slowly and I can't help but caress his body wanting more. His skin was so soft and he smelt like cigarettes and after shave. I knew the drugs were making us do this but I didn't care. I wanted him. I had always wanted him.

Suddenly I have a feeling of nausea. Quickly I throw myself off of Eddie and begin to throw up over the carpet. I feel Eddie come up behind me and gently hold my hair back. I collapse onto the floor beside my puddle of sick after several minutes of throwing up. 'Was kissing me that bad?' Eddie says giggling as he sits nexts to me, still high. I shove him playfully.

'Where is a mop? I should clean that up.' I say my words still slurring. The room began to spin around me.
'Don't worry let's clean it up tomorrow.' Eddie says, from next to me. 'For now let's go to bed it's been a long day.' I nod closing my eyes as we both now lay on the bristly carpet of the lounge.

I wake up to rustling near me. I look up to see Eddie scrubbing at my sick. I sit up quickly realising what he is doing. 'Eddie you don't have to do that.' I say my voice croaking slightly. I grip my head feeling a sudden dizziness caused by my sudden movement.

'No I don't mind. You should take things slowly though.' He says looking suddenly concerned. 'I will be back I just need to throw these out.' He looks at the bag of wipes in his hands and gets up walking to the kitchen before throwing them away, followed by the sounds of the tap. I get up and walk several steps towards him but my legs give way.

I fall to the ground, followed by a thud. Eddie rushes back over to me. 'Chrissy fuck are you ok?' He says crouching beside me. I nod slowly. 'Look it's fine this is normal. This happened to me the first time too. Let's get you on the sofa ok.' I nod slowly again.

Eddie grips onto the elbows and supports me to stand before guiding me to the sofa. He settles me down on the sofa, propping my feet up on some cushions. He grabs the blanket that is hanging over the back of the sofa and places it on me. I giggle as he tucks me in. 'There we go all nice and warm.' He says his face close to mine. I lean up slightly kissing his cheek. 'Thank you.' I say touching his neck invitingly. Slowly he lowers his head onto my shoulder, as I wrap my hands around his neck. He squeezes onto the sofa next to me his arms around my waist, our heads nestling into each other. I kiss his head gently stroking his hair, smiling slightly. I felt so comfortable and calm with him.

Several minutes later, I feel Eddie's body relax further into mine, soft snores coming from his mouth. He had fallen asleep.

Suddenly i hear a noise from outside. 'Eddie I know your in there.' I almost cry out as I hear a familiar voice. I tap Eddie desperately trying to wake him.
He groans looking up,at me. 'What?' He says. I shush him. Pointing to the window in which my ex boyfriend was standing trying to see into the house. Eddie almost leaps off of me ducking in shock next to the sofa. I flinch joining him on the floor as I hear banging. Jason was trying to break in.

Silently, Eddie takes my hand and leads me towards a hidden back door, as we still crouch. He opens it slowly but there is a huge creak. I listen as footsteps approach us, trying to hold my breath so they don't hear me.

'Chrissy?' I hear Jason say. My breath quickens as I see him holding a gun. He points it at us.

'Chrissy Run!' Eddie says grabbing my hand.

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