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The setting sun painted the sky in a palette of orange and blue. He breathed a sigh of relief as he reached the shade of the banyan tree. He opened his plain cloth bag, clutching the anklets in his hands. 

It had to be today.

The tiny shreds of doubt that wandered in his mind evaporated upon touching them. Like a glimmer of hope that the right decision would be made. That his efforts wouldn't be in vain. That his world would return to him and things would eventually fall in place. He looked far ahead, the hilltop had an unmatched view. He smiled; moments to spare, this view would be theirs; no soul to take it away from them. 

Just as we had promised...


The last dance. 

His mind wandered everywhere but the courtyard or the immensely beloved showcasing of elegance he performed. The eyes of the audience faltered. It wasn't just them anymore; as the familiar expressions faded away and as actions reciprocated to his deliberate decisions, he swirled his foot in complete unison with his fingers which moved like warm breeze. His head held high, he moved to an odd rythm, like the chains binding him for too long, had been broken. 


With the metallic rust that now left it's casket inching closer, he held his curved-back hands above his head, one that pointed forward, the tips of his intricate golden finger nails almost challenging the audience. His head held high he performed the final step of ....

One last dance.

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