Yes! Yes! That was the only thing that Suki could think at the moment. It just felt so good when he slammed into he spot like that, taking her hard against the wall. She grabs onto his back tightly, so she wouldn't lose his balance.

She was about to mouth a Sorry for scratching him, when he snarled in pleasure and hit her spot so perfectly, that she came hard with a scream. Naruto wasn't far behind her. There was really no other word to describe it. He ROARED when he found his release.

End of Lemon

Naruto pants. As he was coming down from his high, he noticed that the shower wall was now dented. Dammit, he thinks to himself as he carries her to the bed.

"You alright?" He looks at her in concern.

"I'm better than alright." She smiles at him. "I'm wonderful. Stop worrying so much."

Yeah. Maybe, he was worrying too much. Suki was right. With that thought in mind, it didn't take him long to fall asleep. It took even less time for him to have what Naruto called a 'Dream Memory.'

"Kid, the three things that can take down any ninja are alcohol, gambling, and women. ESPECIALLY the last one." Jiraiya told Naruto.

"Well you're doing all three in one go, Pervy Sage! Hey, that's all my savings! I've been saving up forever!" He flailed.

"Trust me, this lesson is more valuable than what I spent and I need to talk to you about something. It'd be best if you forgot her. I once tried to save a friend who went down a dark path. It didn't end well. Look how Orochimaru turned out." Jiraiya warned him.

"Suki's nothing like him!" He snapped at Jiraiya.

"Maybe not. But she did go to him, willingly. If she doesn't leave him before he needs a new body, she is going to become his vessel. She won't be Suki anymore. She'll be him. You have to start preparing yourself for the worst." The white haired ninja warned him.

"That's not true! We are going to save her!" He protested.

"Some people don't want to be saved, Naruto. You might not agree with her choices, but Orochimaru didn't kidnap her. She left of her own free will. I know that you love her, but you have to start facing facts. It's very likely that she's never going to come back to the Leaf. She might die fighting Itachi or Orochimaru could take her body. If she somehow avoids death, she is still a Missing Ninja. The Leaf might not let her back in and if they do, she'll have to be punished somehow. The Leaf won't tolerate desertion with no consequences." Jiraiya continued.

"She's going to beat him! She's not going to let that freak take over her body. AND SHE'S COMING HOME!" Naruto practically snarled at him.

"Kid, you got it bad." Jiraiya muttered.

Poor kid. He was completely in puppy love. He just didn't know it yet. This was going to be brutal. He hoped that somehow, unlike Orochimaru…Suki could be saved. He didn't want to see Naruto's heart get broken. He was growing fond of the brat.

Naruto had been so angry at the time, that he hadn't noticed. He hadn't noticed that Jirayia said he loved Suki. Years later though, he remembered. Jirayia had realized his feeling before even Naruto had. Damn…how could he have been so blind?

"I really miss Pervy Sage." He mutters to himself as he wakes up.

He smiles down at a sleeping Suki. Naurto kisses her head and goes to make breakfast. He wanted to surprise her.

Yeah. That didn't go so well. Naruto was still hopeless in the kitchen. He did find a can of tomato soup though. Suki liked tomatoes. So he just warmed that up. It was the thought that counted.

You Saved MeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin