"Thanks. I'll take it easy." She says.

"And here are your prenatal vitamins. Remember to take them. Thankfully, you're the one who is pregnant and not Naruto. So I know your diet is healthy. Does he still practically live on Ramen?" The older woman asks curiously.

"I've got him down to about half and half. It was more like 90-10 when we first started living together." Suki answers her.

"Impressive." The former Hokage states.

"Thanks. I try. So see you next week." Suki says and eeps when Naruto leads her off.

"Naruto, I am not a rag doll." The dark haired woman huffs.

"I know. But you heard her. You should take it easy. So let's get you home, so you can rest." He tells her.

"Alright. Alright." Suki relents.

Naruto smiles and takes her home. He makes the bed and fluffs the pillows. Then he gets well…what could only be described as a mountain of pillows. Suki raises an eyebrow. He was kidding right?

"Naruto aren't you overdoing it just a little bit?" She asks in amusement as she sits on the bed.

"Maybe, but after everything that happened, can you really blame me for wanting to pamper you?" He asks and kisses her cheek.

"I'm not some China Doll, Naruto. You know that." She says.

"Yeah. I know you are a badass. Just let me take care of you. You liked it last time, you did." He growls into her ear.

"W-Well yeah. Wait you aren't going to tie me up again, are you?" Suki asks.

"Not today." He answers and kisses her Mating Mark.

"Mmm, alright." She says and leans back into his arms.

"I love seeing this on you." He says and licks he Mark roughly.

"Nhh good." She replies and squirms.

"Knowing that you're mine." He states and bites down lightly.

"A-Always." She murmurs and lets out a light pant.

"Do you feel any different?" He asks.

"Other than the Morning Sickness. Not really. It's probably still too early." She says.

"Yeah. She did say two weeks. You should lay down. I'll get you something to eat." He says.

"You're going to be overprotective the whole eight and a half months left of this pregnancy, aren't you?" She asks in amusement.

"Yup!" He answers cheerfully.

"I'm probably going to want to strangle you before this is all over. But for now I guess, I might as well just indulge you." She says with a smile.

"Good!" He says and heads off to the kitchen.

She lays back against the mountain of pillows and throws the blankets over herself. Well it was rather comfortable on second thought. Yeah, she'd just let Naruto get away with spoiling her a little bit.

Soon Naruto comes back and joins her under the blankets. He'd found chocolate strawberries. The blonde seemed rather pleased with this find and proceeds to start hand feeding Suki.

"Mmm good find." She says and nibbles on the offering.

"Thanks." He says with a smile and eats with her, cuddling up to his lover.

After awhile, Suki stretches and yawns. She snuggles right back up against Naruto and closes her eyes. It didn't take long for her breathing to even out. Naruto could tell she was asleep.

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