chapter three

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Miles Evans

let your confidence shine, pretty soul

It's finally Saturday,

The day I've been waiting all week for, not only is it the best night of the week but this time...

Sydney is coming to here.

I got my ass kicked by coach multiple times this week about my grades slipping and not working hard enough.

Single dad life is hard.

The team is ready for our upcoming game in 2 weeks time so I'm not worried about that.

It's my grades that I'm worried about cos if they don't come up then I've lost my spot as captain.

Being captain gives me something to be proud of.

That feeling of getting on the ice and the passion you feel during a game, god it's the best feeling.

I want to show Arlo that if you put your mind to somthing that you can do anything you dream off.

Follow your dreams.

With the help of Sydney I hope that I'm going to be able to get my grades up before the business test in 3 weeks time.

God help me.


"Come on bro, just admit it" Noah smirks leaning on my door frame.

"No, I've only known the girl for a few days Noah chill out" I say rolling my eyes as I pick up Arlo who's sleeping.

It's just about an hour until we need to leave to go bowling with the others so I need to drop Arlo off at my mums house before getting ready myself.

"Well I can see this happening in a few months for sure, I know you like her Miles" He says heading to the fridge for the 6th millionth time today.

"Whatever dude, I'll be back in a bit, don't eat all of the coco pops again or Arlo will have a fit" I say with a serious look on my face.

"Oh come on man, I'll fight him any day of the week" He groans putting the ceral back in the cupboard.

"Yeah I'd like to see that" Matthew chuckles from the living room.

"I'd win for sure" Noah says proudly.

"Umm nope, me win uncle Noa" Arlo says lifting his head up a little before putting it back on my chest.

"See he's always listening" I say with a smirk before walking out the front door down to my car.

My mum only lives around 10 mintiues away from campus so its not far to drive which is also helpful when i need child care suddenly.

"Nana, Nana, Nana" Arlo giggles from his car seat looking out the window.

"Yeah buddy, your gonna spend the night at Nana's house today" I tell him pulling up on the drive.

"Me excited" he shouts as I get him out and place him on the ground.

And thats when I hear my mamas loud cheery voice from the top of the driveway.

"Ahh hi my baby!" she squeals as Arlo rans over to her.

"Nana!!" he shouts jumping into her arms.

"Oh my you've gotta so good at walking little man" she tells him as he nods proudly.

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