"Oky dada," She bobs her head as she pulls me into a hug.

"I love you, sweetheart. Now open the rest of your presents."

Sitting back, I watch my little girl open every present. Three years, three birthdays so far and not once has she asked about her mother. And I want to keep it that way. Even having the thought of that woman repulses me. Her family still keep in touch with Dalia, not me but just her, however for the past few months they've kept quiet and not contacted me. No one else in this world would give the same amount of love and affection to my daughter as I do. She has no one apart from me, she has her uncles Santiago and Rico but what she's missing is a mother.

"Dada a doll hose!" She squeals, jumping up and down in excitement, I shake my head to join this excitement with her. "Twank you dada!" She says after a few seconds, smiling at her because just from this now, I know what a respectful woman she's going to grow into.

"You always wanted one baby, so you have one now!"

My daughter deserves it. She deserves everything. The life she's growing up in, and the struggles of being raised by a single parent will only make it hard for her when she's older. And all I want is to get rid of all those struggles so she lives a happy life. I want to be the best parent for her, a unique father who isn't like my own parents.


I promised that I'd take Dalia to her favourite restaurant in one of Santi's hotels which is not a surprise. She loves them so much that all she wants is to be around him and Rico. The entire restaurant was booked out just for her, I didn't want people to ruin her day with the loud talking and business.

We sat down and waited for our food to come. Dalia was playing around with her napkin while I admire her from the opposite, smiling to myself and thinking how I got so lucky to have such a daughter in my life.

"Dada, whre wncle Santi and wncle Rico?"

"We are right here princess Dalia!" Looking up from here, Santi and Rico were walking toward us. She quickly turns around and jumps up, running towards them. Santi picks her up instantly, she wraps her arms around her as they continue to walk over.

"We heard it was a special princess' birthday. Do you know about it, Santi?" Rico says and I shake my head because they always do this to her each year.

"Hm, I don't know Rico. Do you know which princess it is?"

"Um, I don't know either-"

"It's mine, my birday!" Dalia exclaims loud making all three of us chuckle. They place her down back on her chair, greeting me before taking their places.

"You're becoming a big girl, Dalia!" Santi says.

"Our princess is growing so quickly." Rico pouts his lips, and Santi and I smile whilst looking at her smiley face and rosy cheeks.

"And the more she's growing up, the more she looks like dada. Isn't that right?" Santi then says and Dalia quickly bobs her head.

"She's dada's copy, aren't you baby?" I sit up straight, flashing a smile at her as she gets out of her chair and runs to me.

"Yes, dada! I like you!" She places her arms around my arm, squeezing it as she tries to side hug. I kiss the top of her head, "I luv you dada."

"I love you, sweetheart. Look your food has arrived, so go sit down and start eating." I tell her and she listens to what I say. She always orders the same thing from this restaurant which is a Margherita pizza with a side of fries. I clean her mouth as soon as she takes the first bite since there was pizza sauce smudged on her face.

As she eats away and falls into her own world, I pay attention to Santi and Rico. "How have you been Eli?" Rico asks and he asks because out of everyone, only the two know what my real struggles are.

"I'm getting used to it now. Seeing Dalia happy is all that matters to me."

"We know she's happy, Eli. Look at her- she's everything you wanted her to be." Santi whispers lowly, we all look at her and it makes me think, is she everything I wanted her to be? Do I want her to live this Mafia life?

She's the heir and once she turns eighteen, she's eligible to take over. But would she want this? She's yet to experience this dangerous world and I need to do everything to stop the world from coming after her.

But most importantly, she isn't like her mother. Not once have I seen a trait of her mother, any look, nothing apart from seeing myself in her.

"I don't want her to grow up." Chuckling at my words, making Santi and Rico chuckle after.

"She's an angel sent from heaven."


You guys are gonna slowly melt from their relationship :) It's a short chapter but I wanted to start by showing their relationship :))

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