Fear and Genders

185 14 1

28th February

Four days passed quickly. Vanessa already arrived at their house and got all of Sebastians stuff. Lin didn't work since four days and Pippa was mostly in the bedroom overthinking the whole situation. She was trying to figure out a way, so they could get Sebastian back, but there didnt seem a way. It was already sunday and Pippa would have a doctor's appointment on the next day. They actually planned to go together with Sebastian to the appointment since they would figure out the gender.

Throughout the past days, Lin decided to sleep on the couch to give Pippa the space she needed but on Sunday morning he had the urge to go and look after her, since he hasn't seen her for two whole days in a row. "Pips?" He asked gently as he opened the door to the bedroom. "Lin?" She asked back with her soft and gentle voice, as she was lying on the bed and hugging a pillow. Phillipa was still awake since she barely slept these past days anyways. The babies kept bothering her with kicking and the thought about Sebastian kept her awake. Lin noticed that she had dark circles under her eyes and she looked skinnier than she usually was. He immediately went to her side, lied down behind her and laid one arm around her waste, while one of his hands was resting on her stomach.

"You need to eat, Pips." He whispered caring into her ear, while he hugged her. Lin knew how stressed Pippa was about the whole situation but he couldn't allow her to get sick. "You too." She said back, as she was turning around, so she was face to face with Lin. "But you're eating for three people. It's different." The statement of Lin was followed by a short silence. "I'm gonna make us a sandwich and we'll eat together, so we're sure the other will eat something. How about that?" Lin suggested then and Pippa nodded in response.

Phillipa knew that she shouldn't be as sad as Lin about the fact that Sebastian couldn't live with them anymore but she was as sad as him. Since the past few months Lin was mostly working so Pippa took care of Sebastian most of the time and he really became like a son to her. Now with him gone, it was all different.

After Lin made the sandwiches, he went upstairs and brought them to Pippa. They cuddled together while having sandwiches in bed. "I talked to my lawyers again today. There's nothing we can do so far. I just have to hope that Vanessa is gonna let me see Sebastian at some point again." Lin explained while Pippa was slowly eating her sandwich in silence next to him. "She can't keep him from us forever since he's gonna ask for us. Even though we'll only get to see him at one day a month, it's better than not seeing him at all."

Right in this moment, the cellphone rang. Lin didn't take a phone call since four days but at some point he couldn't ignore them anymore. So he stood up and went to the phone. "Here's Mr Miranda, how can I help you?" He answered the phone. "Hey Lin, it's Vanessa. I just wanted to ask if you have the turquoise toy train of Sebastian at your house? I can't find it and Sebby's going insane without it."

"Wait, I'll check." Lin said and then walked to the bedroom Pippa was in. "Pips, do you know where the Pippa-train is?" He asked her. "I don't know, maybe it's still in my bag." She said shrugging and pointed at the bag on the chair on the room. Lin went to the chair and looked into the bag to find the missing train. "Yes, I have it here." Lin said now to Vanessa, who was waiting on the other end of the line. "Good, I'll come later and grab it." "Alright. Also I wanted to ask you, if Sebastian can go with me and Pippa to the doctor's appointment to find out what gender the babies have-" And all of sudden the call was already hung up. Pippa who was watching the whole scene, immediately went to Lin, as fast as she was able to and hugged him again. "At some point she'll notice how much Sebastian needs his father." She whispered hopefully. "Let's hope so...." Lin answered back.

Vanessa came to pick up the toy train in the afternoon. Lin really didn't want to see her anymore at this point but he couldn't avoid her. "Here's the train." He said as he gave her the turquoise train at the front door. "Thanks." She answered in a cold voice and was about to leave, as Lin continued to speak. "How did u know about Steven? I can't imagine someone from the cast told you." Lin asked her and suddenly he had Vanessa's full attention. She came really close to Lin, until she started to whisper to him. "Just between us two, I encouraged Steven to visit you and your cheap whore. I told him to make some drama. Of course I didn't know, he'd hit you but he did an excellent job." She said smiling, before she turned around and left the door and the front yard of the house. Meanwhile Lin was left back in shock. It was all a part of Vanessa's plan and maybe if he didn't loose the control and hadn't hit Steven that night, he maybe would've had still Sebastian...

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