Conversations and Touches

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After spending the rest of Phillipas sick day, with eating popcorn, grilled ham, chocolate and the 'love actually' movie, the next day came sooner than expected. Pippa really wanted to go to work today but she just didn't feel like seeing Lin again. On the other hand, she loved her job and she wanted to execute it as long as she was still able to. Since in just a few weeks, she'd start to show her pregnancy and then wouldn't be able to play Eliza anymore. The whole situation was, if summed up, very difficult.

At the end, she decided to go but there was still quite some time left until she had to leave. After getting out of her bed, she changed from her pyjamas into a comfortable t-shirt and some jeans. As she was changing, she was looking into the mirror, she looked at her still flat stomach for a moment. It was still crazy in her eyes, that in about 8 months, she'd become a mother. In about 8 months, her life would change forever and nobody could see the little creature inside her, which is already turning everybody's world upside down.

After changing Pippa made herself comfortable on her couch, was grabbing the leftover popcorn from yesterday and started to watch 'friends'. Around Lunchtime someone rang on the door of Phillipa's apartment. She didn't know who it could be, since she didn't expect any visits today, so she went to the intercom. While she went there, the person already rang 5 times more. 'This person must be in a hurry' Pippa thought to herself, before she started to speak through the intercom."Yes, Hello?" "Hey Pippa, can we talk?" It was definitely the voice she would've expected the least. Phillipa immediately froze, where she stood. She didn't know how to handle this situation now. Of course she wanted to talk to Lin at some point, but now? But before she could say anything else, someone else started to speak:

"Hey Aunty Pippa, it's me Sebby. Do you remember me?" Lin brought Sebastian with him so at least Phillipa knew, that they wouldn't be able to shout or yell at each other when Sebastian would be there with them. "Hey Lin, Hey Sebastian, wait I'll open the door for you and you can come upstairs." Pippa pressed then the button which opened the front door and both Sebby and Lin made their way upstairs until they were at Phillipas apartment. She was already waiting at the door and was immediately greeted by Sebastian who was running towards her. Pippa kneeled down, so she could give Sebastian a hug: "Hey Sebby." She said then with a laughter as Sebastian didn't seem to stop hugging her. "You've grown quite a lot, since the last time I saw you." Which was not even a lie. The last time Phillipa saw Sebby was over one month ago, since her and Vanessa didn't get along. "I know, I'm almost as tall as daddy." Pippa then looked at Lin who was just smiling down at the sweet image of Sebastian hugging Pippa. Since Sebastian wasn't planning on letting go of the hug, she decided to pick him up so she was able to stand up again.

As she got up and finally saw eye to eye with Lin, she greeted him with a small "Hey Lin." "Hey Pips. Also sorry about all that ringing but the little man, you're holding was very impatient." Lin said and Pippa chuckled as they walked together into her apartment. Lin followed her to the living room and saw the popcorn and the paused friends episode. "I hope we didn't disturb you by doing important things." Lin said then as he was pointing at the TV. "No don't worry, I've seen this show already more than 20 times." Phillipa said as she was sitting down with Sebby on the couch.

"Oh what have you in your hand? Is this a new train? I've never seen this before." Pippa asked Sebby with a suprised face, who was sitting now on her lap, holding the turquoise train in his hand. "Yeah! I named her Pippa after you. Because she reminds me of you." Sebastian said proud and showed Phillipa the train. "She's the most beautiful train in the world." "Wasn't that your train called Vanessa?" Lin asked a bit surprised about his sons statement. "No." Sebby just answered bluntly. 

"I feel very honoured, Sebby." Phillipa said then slightly blushing at the hidden compliment, Sebastian gave her. "Sebby, can you leave me and aunty Pippa alone for a moment? We need to talk about adult stuff." Lin said and took Sebastian from Pippas lap and let him down on the floor. Sebastian nodded but then said in a commanding tone: "Alright, but be nice to Pippa so she visits me more often." Then he went into an another room, which was Phillipas bedroom. She didn't care about it, since her bedroom was definitely safe for children with no hidden surprises.

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