Disputes and Hot chocolate

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The next day Pippa went to the Richard Rogers theatre with a weird feeling in her stomach. After Lin basically forgot to pick her up yesterday, he didn't even react to any of the messages she sent him. He didn't write an apology, or even just one word back, which kinda pissed Phillipa off.

Phillipa was never the type of person who'd get angry at people easily but she's trying to include Lin and he just doesn't even seem to care. But maybe something serious happened yesterday and Lin had a good reason not to show up. Everything was possible but until Pippa actually knew what was going on yesterday, she decided to be furious at Lin. In her opinion she had every right to be mad  at Lin, since he ignored her completely yesterday.

As she walked into the theatre, the first person who walked across her way was Oak who greeted her with a warm smile. "Hey Pippa, is everything alright? You seem a bit stressed." Oak noticed immediately but Pippa acted of course like nothing bothered her. "Hey, no I'm fine. Don't worry, it was just an exhausting day yesterday." She brushed it off and walked towards her dressing room. After laying down her coat in her dressing, she looked again into the mirror.

She understood now why Oak was worried about her by just looking at her. Her Eyes still were a bit swollen, since she cried herself to sleep last night, but of course she wouldn't tell that to anyone. And all that just because Lin was a total asshole and forgot about her. As she was looking at herself she started to breath heavily and closed her eyes for a few seconds. 'Everything will be alright.' She told herself.

Affer a short silence, Pippa pulled herself together and went to the rehearsal room. As she entered the room, the first person she saw was Renée who sat next to Leslie. Renée immediately waved at Pippa, so she'd come and join them but before Phillipa could do that, she spotted Lin who was talking to the pianist. Lin immediately noticed Pippa, stopped talking to the pianist and looked into her eyes, which narrowed as soon as he was looking at her. Lin knew he had to talk to Pippa about what happened, so he started to approach her but as soon as she noticed Lin was coming closer, she turned around and left the room again.

As she was walking down the aisle to her dressing room she heard Lin screaming for her. "Pippa! Stop please. We need to talk!" He basically ran after her, while she was ignoring him and his shoutings but he approached her, right before her dressing room. Lin reached out for Phillipas hand while she was walking, so he could stop her from walking any further. But as soon as he grabbed her hand, she pulled her hand out of his grip and turned around. "What do you want?" She asked uninterested.

Lin has never seen Phillipa actually angry at something or someone, she has always been the nice, kind and calm person, so seeing her like that was shocking to him. "I want to talk Pips. About yesterday." As soon as Lin said those words, Pippa turned around again and walked into her dressing room, followed by a stubborn Lin. "Please Pippa." He said again, begging her to let him explain the whole situation. "I don't know about what you want to talk about. You didn't show up even though I was the most nervous person yesterday and I needed someone by my side. You weren't there when I needed you as a friend and the father of this child. Everything's already difficult enough but you're making it even more difficult for me!" Phillipa exclaimed now while tears were running down her cheeks. She hated being angry at someone, since it always felt so wrong to her but Lin deserved it.

"Pippa..." Lin said now, also having watery eyes, while looking at Phillipa. He hated that he had hurt his best friend so bad and he knew he couldn't undo his mistake but he wanted to Pippa to forgive him at some point. Or at least he hoped it would happen. "You have no idea how incredibly bad I'm feeling that I didn't show up yesterday but I was held back. You see, Vanessa planned to spend the day with me and Sebastian and-"

"And you of course you couldn't say no to your wife. Goddammit Lin! Stop let your wife control you, it's pathetic. And don't try to tell me, that you somehow couldn't even send me one single text message and tell me, that you won't be able to pick me up let alone accompanying me to the appointment-"

[Without you] /Lippa/Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα