Curtain call and Revelations

237 13 7

Mentions of physical abuse

DISCLAIMER: Just again a reminder that this is just fiction and for fun and nothing like this happened. I've got nothing against either Steven or Vanessa in real life, they're both great


9th November 2015

It's been 4 days since Lin found out that Vanessa cheated on him and in these 4 days he completely excluded himself from the rest of the word. He didn't do the show the past days anymore and didn't answer anyone's calls or text messages. He just didn't understand how he didn't get what was going on sooner. Were there signs that Vanessa cheated? Like of course she sometimes went out alone but she always said she'd meet some friends and Lin trusted her. Maybe that was the mistake? He trusted her and now he felt so stupid about it.

That Lin didn't answer any message made the rest of the Hamilcast clearly worried these few days. But one person was worried in particular and that person was Phillipa Soo. She didn't know what was going on with Lin but she knew something serious happened because he didn't perform for four days and he didn't miss any show since they started with Hamilton. She left him daily messages on the messenger, hoping for an answer, but she didn't receive one.

So she decided to go and visit him on Monday at his house personally, since she wanted to know what was going on. As she parked infront of his house, she immediately noticed that most of the shutters were down and it looked like no one was home. She got out of her car and went to the entrance door and rang. Its been a while since she's been here the last time, because of Vanessa but nothing really changed until the last time. After a minute of waiting outside, she heard footsteps from the inside, which approached the door and the door opened.

The sight Pippa got was more than worrying. It was Lin, but he looked like he hasn't shaved since days and his eyes were swollen and red. "Oh my god, hey Pippa." Lin exclaimed as he surprisingly saw Phillipa standing at the door. He didn't plan with any visit that day. he knew he must've looked like a mess. "Hey Lin. I wanted to check how you're doing. I was worried." Pippa explained. "Sure... come in." Lin just said and let Pippa into the house. He went with her into the dining room, which was the less messiest room out of all of them. "Can I bring you something? A tea or water or juice?" "Water would be fine." Pippa said with a smile at Lin, who didn't even look at her and just left the room to get the water.

While Lin was gone for a moment, Pippa had the time to look around in the room. Nothing huge has changed since the last time she was here, besides the little detail that on the counter next to the dining table used to stand pictures with him and Vanessa, but they were gone. Lin finally came back with a glass and a bottle of water and placed it infront of Pippa. "Thanks." Then there was a short silence in the room. Nobody dared to speak for a moment, until Pippa broke the silence.

"So... what's going on? You've never missed a show and suddenly you're calling off 4 shows. You don't even respond to any messages and nobody was able to reach out to you. Lin I was so worried the past days about you and I still am. What happened? Because if you want to talk, I hope you know that I'm always there for you." Silence again. Pippa stared at Lin, who was just silently starring at the glass on the table.

"Vanessa cheated on me." Lin suddenly said, while the tears in his eyes were again threatening to fall. This sentence surprised Phillipa completely. She didn't know how to actually respond to that. "Oh my god..." she just whispered while she started to hold Lins hand. "She cheated and lied to me about the baby. It's not mine." He said then while he suppressed the tears. "I'm so sorry this happened, Lin." Phillipa then scooped over and hugged Lin supportingly. They stayed like this for over 5 minutes and enjoyed each others comfort, until Pippa spoke again.

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