Calls and Nightmares

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The next day was gladly a Monday. As Phillipa woke up in her hospital bed, she realised nothing was a dream. Everything what happened last night, actually happened. She looked at the clock. It was just 8am, so she texted Lin and hoped he was already awake.

Hey Lin, are you awake?

Hey Pip,  I am. Should
I come and pick you up?

I don't know when they're
gonna release me from this hell,
but yes please come and keep
me in company.

Alright, I'm on my way Pips.
I'm with you in 25 minutes.

Lin went to his parents, who were sleeping on the couch this night since Lin got home pretty late and they already slept, just like Sebby as ge arrived. He woke his dad up, told him, he'd go again and then went to the hospital.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Pippa got a visit from a nice Doctor. She introduced herself as Dr. Marten and was responsible for Phillipas final check up this morning. "Looks like everything is as it should be. Your babies seem healthy and are growing so there's nothing against the fact that you can go home today. I'm gonna let a nurse prepare your checkout papers." The doctor said with a smile at the end of the examination. "Why are you only saying that the Babies seem healthy? Can't you tell if they are?" Asked Pippa then slightly nervous. "It's difficult to tell. I'd give you the advice to take it slow the upcoming days, so you should be able avoid a miscarriage. I just wanna say that the possibility of a miscarriage increased because of the bruises and trauma." Pippa only nodded in response and then the doctor left the room. Even though Pippa was glad, that the babies didn't cause any harm because of Steven, she was now a bit nervous of stressing herself too much. At that very moment someone knocked at the door and Pippa said "Come in."

Lin walked into the room with a smile and a bouquet of flowers. Pippas eyes lightened immediately up as she saw him. "Hey, how are you?" He asked, as he walked towards her and sat down on the chair infront of her bed. "The night was horrible alone... but I'm getting out of here today, so it's gonna be fine. The babies are also doing well, I just had my final check up." A peaceful silent filled the room for a moment. "Are these for me?" She asked smiling and pointed at the flowers, which Lin held nervously. "Yeah." He gave her the flowers and she took them thankfully and smelled them. "They scent beautifully."

The nurse walked in and gave Phillipa the permission to leave. As soon as she got the permission to leave, she wanted to change into the new clothes, which Lin brought her. The only problem was that she was still a bit unstable when it came to standing on her own, so Lin helped her getting out of the hospital clothes. At this moment Pippa first noticed all the bruises on her body, especially on her stomach for the first time. Lin saw her reaction and that she was shocked so he tried to distract her by talking to her about how Sebastian only played with his train called "Pippa". Phillipa was thankful for the distraction since she was close to burst out into tears again.

As she was fully changed, Lin helped her to get up from the bed. "Do you think, you can walk?" Pippa nodded and walked slowly and supported by Lin out of the hospital. As they finally sat in the car, Lin began to speak. "You're gonna stay with me and Sebastian for now, alright?" But as soon as he said that, Pippa turned her head towards him. "Lin... I don't want to bother you or your family." "Pippa, you're my family now, don't forget that. I don't want you to be alone right now and I could bet Sebastian would love to see you everyday. We can drive now to your apartment, pick up the things you need and you're coming with me." Phillipa nodded in response so Lin started the engine and drove to her apartment.

They both got out of the car, got into the building and walked upstairs until they were infront of Phillipas apartment. As they walked in together, the apartment hasn't changed a bit since last night. Everywhere were still rose patterns and extinguished candles. Pippa immediately started to tremble, as soon as she remembered what happened last night. Lin noticed this as they stood in the entrance hallway and he turned to her.

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