Kicks and Christmas

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It was the next morning of the date night they had. Lin woke up first, with his arms around the most beautiful woman on earth. Phillipa was still sleeping with her head on his chest and an arm of her clung around his waist. He was indeed the luckiest guy in the world, for at least about 4 more minutes.

Pippa noticed that Lin was already awake so she decided to wake up too. She opened her eyes and looked up to see Lin smiling at her. "Gmorning." He said. "Good morning, boyfriend." She said and smiled back. Then she removed herself a bit from Lin and grabbed her phone, but as she turned it on, she was shocked. She got over 20 unread messages from friends and family members and she didn't even know why. Lin noticed her confused face. "What's wrong?" "I don't know." Pippa mumbled and tapped on Oaks chat which included a text message saying 'Why didn't you guys tell us?' and a link. She opened the Link and immediately knew what was going on. It was an article from some gossip magazine saying: "Lin Manuel Miranda and Phillipa Soo are secretly dating!" And beneath was a picture of them from yesterday, kissing over the dining table. "Oh shit." Pippa mumbled.

"What is it?" He asked worried. "We shouldn't have kissed in public." Pippa said and showed him the article. "I disagree since every kiss I receive from you is a blessing so I don't have any regrets." He said smiling while he started to kiss Pippas neck. "Lin that's not funny. Even my parents want to know why I didn't tell them and they want to meet you officially now." "We're getting through all of this, Pips. I promise."

In the afternoon Pippa and Lin to the theatre together and were met with some confused but happy faces of the rest of the cast, as they walked together through the hallway. The most excited of the revealed relationship was probably Groffsauce, who already started to talk about wedding plans. Other than that everyone was relaxed and gladly fine with it. 

24th December

The next two weeks passed fast and it was finally the night before Christmas. Sebastian was probably the most excited about Christmas, since he hoped for a lot of presents in the morning. That's why it was difficult to actually get him to sleep on the night before. But somehow Pippa was able to handle it and he slept at 10:30pm, which was still late but sooner than she expected it to be. After that she went downstairs again and and joined Lin, who was sitting in the living room on the couch.

"And is he sleeping yet?" He asked with a chuckle after he saw Phillipa entering the room. "Yes, gladly. He's so excited for Santa to bring him presents, it's so adorable." She answered with a weak smile and sat next to Lin, who immediately placed an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. "And how are you feeling? I know it stresses you a bit that mine and your parents are coming over for Christmas Dinner tomorrow." "Yeah you're right. Only the thought about it makes me very nervous, but also the twins are making me feel slightly uncomfortable the last couple of days." Phillipa said and rubbed her bump. She was now about 4 and a half months pregnant and her stomach just wouldn't stop growing.

"My poor cinnamon roll." Lin said, before he kissed her temple and also placed his hands on her stomach. That was the moment when he felt a kick under his hand. Pippa looked immediately at Lin with her eyes widened, while he had the same reaction. "Did you feel that?" Phillipa asked whispering excitingly and Lin nodded in response. "They're kicking." Lin exclaimed with a big smile on his face and as he said this, he felt an another kick under his hands. "Oh my god, how does it feel to you?" He asked then excited. "It's weird, but in a good way." Pippa answered smiling at Lin. "I love you." Lin simply said next and pulled Pippa in a deep gentle kiss. "I love you too."

The next morning they both woke up because Sebastian was screaming for them in his room. "I won't go." Pippa said still halfway asleep next to Lin, who just let out an exhausted breath, got up, left the bedroom and went into Sebastians room. "Daddy it's Christmas!" Sebby said excited while he sat in his bed. "I know, buddy." Lin chuckled and picked up Sebastian from his bed. "Do you wanna go to Pippa and wake her up? She isn't awake yet and as long as she's sleeping we can't unpack presents." Immediately Sebastian nodded and so they went into the bedroom in which Pippa tried to fall asleep again.

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