A new actor

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Shrek : That's exactly what I needed

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Shrek : That's exactly what I needed ...

Dhar Mann POV
I'm so sad that I don't find the perfect actor, what can I do now? I turn aroud my head and I saw a- an ogre? Wait, IT'S SHREK! I screamed

Dhar Mann: SHREK!

Shrek turn aroud

Shrek: Yes? Oh your the man in the attache ?

Dhar Mann: Y-yes I'm Dhar Mann. And I can make You my new actor

I don't know what happen but my heart is beating so fast and I'm feeling so hot...
We started looking a each other a few second without a word I wish that moment was more long...

 We started looking a each other a few second without a word I wish that moment was more long

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Dhar Mann: Huh... So what do you want?
Shrek: Y-yes I want to be your actor...
Dhar Mann: OH that's great

POV Shrek
I've never feel that with another person than Fiona... Fiona was the love of my life but she left for this shit!

I don't know what she finds hot with this fucking bee but she left me for him and I could never forget that

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I don't know what she finds hot with this fucking bee but she left me for him and I could never forget that...

Dhar Mann : Shrek? Shrek you heard me?
Shrek : Uhhh Yes?
Dhar Mann: Ok let's begin !

POV Dhar Mann

I hope we become friend me and Shrek or...more. OMG Dhar Mann what are you thinking! Shrek just gonna be my actor and friend...

Dhar Mann goes to the studio with Shrek

*After the performance of Shrek*

Dhar Mann: *clap* What a fabulous performance!
Shrek: Thank you!
Dhar Mann: It's good you can be my actor.
Shrek: Thank you!

Dhar Mann: Do you want that I- I take you home
*Dhar Mann start blushing*
Shrek: Oh th-ank you...
*Shrek starts blushing*
Dhar Mann: Ok come with me...

In the car of Dhar Mann... Shrek and Dhar Mann were chatting and laughing

Dhar Mann: Now that I become fr-friend I can talk about my past with you
Shrek: Oh sure... I will talk about mine too but you can begin
Dhar Mann: I had a perfect life, a lovely wife, a lot of suscriber, good story and actor.
Shrek : Waouh!
Dhar Mann : But all turn in horror...
Shrek : What happen?
Dhar Mann:My actor left me and they say that my video were cringe
Dhar Mann: I did'nt have any Idea for my video...
Dhar Mann: An-and my...

I can't say it...

Dhar Mann: My wife left me...
Shrek: I'm sorry...my wife left me too
Dhar Mann: Don't worry and I'm sorry too.

I'm watching the TV, my wife come downstair and don't talk to me. Is she angry?
Dhar Mann: Hone-
Wait why does she have a suitcase?
Dhar Mann: Why do you have a suitcase ?
Wife: Huh because I found a bee
Dhar Mann: And?
Wife:i forgor💀
Dhar Mann: Then why are leaving?
Wife:i rember. You are not hot, and you got no bitches I'm leaving you Dhar Mann
Dhar Mann: Wh-
Wife: Oh and a last thing, you are cringe bye honey!
Dhar Mann: What you cannot leave me for a bee!?
Wife: Yes, I can
Dhar Mann: Honey don't leave me!
Wait is this that bee?!
Bee: Hey honey!
Wife: Hey honey
Bee:Who is that cringe man?
Wife: No one, we can go
Dhar Mann: NOOOOO
Sh-She left me....
                                                             End of the flashback

Dhar mann:she left me for a bee.

Shrek:This bee?

Dhar mann:Y-yes wtf ,how you know him?

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Dhar mann:Y-yes wtf ,how you know him?


                                                                                 End of chapter 2-

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