One of those days|20|

En başından başla

"Let's cancel and we can stay in bed all day, and I can show you just how much I love you" his breath tickled my ear with every word he spoke.

"If we weren't meeting with your family I would be taking you up on that right now"

What was supposed to be a perfectly tamed shower together has turned into Devin pushing me against the counter while his tongue explores my mouth, I pull at his shoulders and back to get his body closer to mine but he's already as close as he can get, but I need more, I can't get enough of this man.

He put his hands under my thighs lifting me onto the counter and then placing my legs around his waist.
He kept pushing further and further onto my naked body until I broke away fighting for air, our foreheads still pushed together.

"Do you know how much I love you?"
I smiled at his words "yes you've mentioned it once or twice"

We stayed rested against each other for a few more moments before I broke the silence.
"We have to get ready"

He reluctantly pulled away with a groan and went to the other side of the counter to start getting ready.
I grabbed a towel to wrap around my body while I dried my hair, I went with simple and straight since we wasted most of our time in the shower.

I sat on the counter and pulled out all my makeup, trying to stay simple and put together since we were going to lunch with Devin's mother father, and siblings, his parents will both be there and it doesn't seem to concern Devin but it worries me.
I remember his parents from back in school, they are both amazing people separately but when you put them together all hell breaks loose.

I hear Devin in the closet, he is putting his watch on and that is the last part of his routine, which means he's ready and I am nowhere near ready.
I quickly try to blend out my concealer without looking like an absolute clown before moving on to my next task.

Devin stands behind me rolling the sleeves of his black button-up shirt, he watches me in the mirror while his phone rings in his pocket.
"Who is that?"
I'm not usually the girlfriend who needs to know who he is with and who he is texting at all times but that's the third time his phone has gone off in such a short time.

"Somebody who can learn some patience" he kisses my exposed shoulder while I frantically look for my blush.

I almost get lost in his touch but remember the challenge at hand.
"What time is it?"

He lifted his wrist to check his shiny gold Rolex watch.

"Are you serious! Why didn't you tell me?"
We are supposed to be there at 1 and it's a 25-minute drive and I'm still not dressed.

"I didn't want you rushing around baby take your time"

"I can't take my time I need to be ready 30 minutes ago"

He grabbed my face trying to end my meltdown.
"I will call Davon and tell him we will be late, but I don't want you to feel rushed"

I quickly hopped off the counter and sprinted into my closet looking for something to wear, now that me and Devin have a routine of laying in bed all day I have to match my bra and panties because I'm not about to be some circus of colors and patterns when I'm trying to remind my man I'm the only one for him.

I found a black dress that is a little looser so I don't have to be pulling at it through the whole meal, and it has cute little bows on the shoulders.
I grabbed a pair of back backless black heels that apparently everybody owns now and went back into the bathroom putting on any of the gold jewelry I had laying on the counter from the days before.

The physical therapist Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin