Chapter 31: Unsatisfied

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Twenty-four hours later, I'm discharged from the hospital and escorted to my new room, which is identical to the last one. I'm on the same floor but in a different hallway; closer to Huxley's office, which I surmise is done on purpose. At night, after brushing my teeth and changing into an oversize black tee shirt, I turn off the lights. Before I touch the bed, deep voices argue outside my door. Feet scuffle, and the quarrel grows importunate.

Fear strangles my throat. Panic shoots up my spine.

They're back. The intribot wasn't able to end me, so now the ringleaders are here in person to finish the job.

Pulling out my gun, I tip toe closer to the door. I unstrap my portal and call Timour, then the strangest thing occurs. A portal rings from the hallway, and the angry voices shut up.

No longer concerned with being sneaky, I march over to my door and fling it open, gun pointed at the men in front of me. Timour's eyes widen as he holds his hands out, the portal now silent in his left one. Shifting my weapon's aim to the two men with their backs to me, I ask, "What are you guys doing outside my door?"

The two unrecognizable Cosmics—one bulky and bald with hazel eyes, the other tall with tawny hair and steel gray eyes—turn around. They each carry a firearm, finger on the trigger, but muzzle pointing toward the ground. Remaining expressionless, the bulky Cosmic asks, "Where did you get that?"

"You didn't answer my question," I press.

While the two Cosmics share a look, Timour explains, "They're claiming to be your bodyguards." He approaches me cautiously with his palms slightly raised, as though he's worried I'll shoot him.

The tall Cosmic reaches out to stop Timour, and I aim my gun at his forehead. "Don't touch him," I order. He hesitates but eventually backs off. Once Timour is by my side, I whisper, "Why are you here?"

Blushing, he rubs the back of his neck and avoids my gaze. "I... didn't feel comfortable leaving you alone. Especially not after what happened. But these guys were stationed outside your room, and they wouldn't let me talk to you."

"We can't let him in there," the bulky Cosmic states. "We're not supposed to let anyone within five feet of this door."

Perplexed, I query, "Who are you?"

"We already told the boy," he says, impatient. "We're your bodyguards."

"Under whose authority?"

"Boss," the Cosmics reply in unison.

Raising my eyebrows and keeping my gun trained on the tall Cosmic—while he looks less threatening than the bulky guard, his steely eyes tracking my every movement unnerve me—I dial a number with one hand and bring the portal to my ear.

Two seconds pass, then a sultry voice greets, "Mmm, Ailee, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you a-calling on this fine summer evening?"

"Why did you instruct two men to stalk me?" I ask. The bulky Cosmic narrows his eyes. The tall one doesn't react.

"I don't seem to recall," Huxley alleges in a singsong voice, revealing that he most definitely does recall. "Describe them to me."

"I'll send you a picture," I say and follow up on my assertion.

After a few seconds, Huxley confirms, "Ah, yes, now I remember. Valentino and Wolfe. They're for your protection. Although, they look a little pissed off." He laughs like it's a joke I'm not in on. "They always look pissed off. Don't let it bother you."

I shake my head at his attempts to evade additional explanation. "I honestly couldn't care less what they look like. Why—Is this necessary?"

"Earlier when I asked you to stay with me, my reasoning was completely legitimate," he says, sober. "What happened yesterday really freaked me out. I—I thought you were going to die. Just... let me do this. If not for you, then for me. Put my mind at ease, okay?"

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