Chapter 14: Two Roads Diverged in a Yellow Wood

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The elevator ride is brief compared to last time. Felix and I descend fewer than fifty floors and enter a metallic hallway lined with red and white lights. Names are engraved into the several burgundy doors we pass.

I peek up at Felix. His jaw is set, and his stride's robotic, contrasting his usual at ease nature.

He catches me staring. "I'm not fond of what that boy of yours said back there. Insinuating something he knows nothing about," he states, unamused.

"I wasn't aware you had supersonic hearing."

"No need. It was written all over the bastard's face."

"What was he supposed to think? What is it you want me to do, anyway?"

"Almost there." We turn a corner into a short hallway leading us to one door at the very end. As we near, I read the name engraved.

"Who's 'Pereira'?" I inquire.

"The poor bloke I stole these quarters from," he replies, easily pushing the door in to reveal a vast cabin. An unnecessarily large bed hugs the far wall, perfectly centered between two black and white drawers with gold handles. A violet quilt lays crooked atop intricate gold flowers weaving through an indigo comforter, and silky white throw pillows are strewn randomly around the bed, but some tend to favor leaning against the platinum silver headboard. Facing a long white and black desk adjacent to the right wall is a gold chair, overlooking the expanse of space. Through the window, tiny incandescent dots—stars—wink at me. Sixteen circles cut into the ceiling enshroud the room in light, thus the various golden wall lamps exist only to enhance the pompous decor.

Let's not forget the final touch, a silver and white marble treasure chest spanning the foot of the bed.

I doubt a Martian would choose to live in this cabin, much less be allowed to. Felix sure has interesting taste. Despite the room's grandiosity, it's not very well organized. Clothing, electronics, tools, ancient weapons, half-empty bottles of alcohol, food packets, and jewelry cluster along all four walls.

An auto-vacuum travels across the lavender rug onto the metal floor, staying low to the ground and sucking up dust. When it reaches a pile of knives, it pauses like a confused child, turns ninety degrees to its left, and continues on.

"This way." Felix gestures into the cabin.

A flash of fear pulses through me. I cover it up with incredulity. "Seriously? Your bedroom? I'm out of here—"

I take a step back, but he grabs my wrist in a death grip. Dread strangles me, and I freeze, trying to focus on keeping my breathing even. My heart pounds in my ears, about to explode. I don't know what to do.

He looks toward the opening of the hallway, checking that the coast is clear. He leans down, and I close my eyes. Startling me, he whispers harshly against my ear, "Do you or do you not want us to speak privately? Because this is one of the few places you're going to find on this ship without cameras or mics."

"Then why can't we talk out here?" My voice is steady until the last note. I remain motionless.

"Nothing improper is going to happen between us in there." He pulls back to look at me, then he smirks, unable to help himself. "Not today, at least."

"Then why?" I push.

"You need a shower. And something decent to wear."

"Actually, you know, I'm quite comfortable—"

"Blimey! Ailee, it's adorable that you think you have another option. It's not healthy for you to—"

"Are we friends?"

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