Volume 1.5. Ironwood's Plan

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The home of The Schnee Dust Company.

And the place were General Ironwood commands.

Now he sits in his office inspecting a weirdly shaped gadget.

"General May I come in?" A faint voice, could be heard though a metal door.

"Winter? Yes you may." The General responded, as Winter Schnee walked up to his table.

"Here are Beacon's list of candidates that maybe able to hunt down those Phantoms."

"General sir." Winter questioned him.

"Yes. What is it?" He said, flipped through the papers.

"Please.. do not bring Weiss into this."

"Don't worry I won't. I made a deal with you Father after all."

Ironwood's scanning through the papers, was soon stopped by a girl walking through the door.



"Who is your current pick?"

"May you please by quiet! You're lucky I even chose you to be part of this."

"Ha. Look I know how you feel about the Phantoms, they ruined your... messed up squad unit."

"Arya, isn't wrong. There has to be another way?"

"Winter, Arya! Don't judge a General's order! This is what's best! To save more lives."

"Fine... have it your way. But arrested a teen for things like this is.. not right."

"Who said anything about arresting? Soldiers! Come in, and bring in the The so called inventor."

The doors open to two people, dragging in a girl with a little hat, and a side-tail.

"Hey, HEY! Stop with the pulling!"

"Hello they're Miss.. I've just got a few questions."

"What are they? And are you going to let me go! Ironwood!"

"Hoho.. daring with the No formalities are we. So are you really the creator?"

"So what if I am? What do need from me?"

"Give me a candidate, who fit's the role."

"Let me see." The girl said, while the guards let her go. "Mmmm-hmmm... oh!" She gasped and caught everyone's attention, and pointed towards a document.

"Ii..lya... Miko..to?"

"Yes! She has a lot of potential."

"Iilya?!" Arya exclaimed.

"You know her?" The child asked.

"Yes! We both went to Signal! With her sisters. Man it's been a while, I wonder how she's doing."

"Ah! Well! She's got herself a girlfriend at her café."

"Huh! She actually got herself one."

"Very well! Arya! You! Come with me! We're going to Beacon!" He commanded.


I Just finished watching Lycoris Recoil, and It was beautiful.

Please Watch it.

A masterpiece.

The only downside is that.

It ended.

Chisato and Takina.

I love them.

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