Volume 1. The Inition Starts And Ends

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Life is unpredictable.

I died on Earth.

Got reincarnated into another one.

Currently 15, and an assassin which is trying to help the world.

Already murdered a person—for a good cause.

But I don't understand Grimm.

I know how humans' act, so it's much easier to kill them.

But I've never faced a Grimm.

Aaahhhh.. I'm going to fail this.

My combat outfit was going to get me to have scars.


(Everything here is Mikoto's outfit, except the white hair

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(Everything here is Mikoto's outfit, except the white hair.)

"Wonder what those two are so worked up about?" Ruby said, towards a couple.

"Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!"

"Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." Ruby said, stroking Crescent Rose.

"Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together."

"You said like dad! Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!"

"I don't think that's how it works, milk strengthens your bones."

"Is that true?" Ruby asked.

"I think."

"But what about when we form teams?"

"Um, I don't know, I... I'll just be on your team or maybe Miko, or something..."

"Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?" Yang said.

"My dear sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?"

"What? No! Of course I do! I just thought... I don't know, maybe it would help you... break out of your shell! You can't always relay on your sisters."

What the-?! I don't need to 'break out of my shell'! And Only relaying on you two, I'll have you know I can handle myself. So that's absolutely-"

"Ridiculous! There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday! I would've remembered having to count that high! Why does this have to happen today?" Jaune complained.

"Jaune. The lockers here only go up to 600. Are you sure you didn't forget them in the boy's changing room?" I chimed in.

"I-um.. really.. ah-no, no! I messed up already!"

Assassin's journey through Remnant (RWBY x Female OC! Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now