episode thirtysix

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the elevator

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.


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"Erica, do you copy?" Robin clicked the side of the radio.
"Mm-hmm, I copy." The girls voice crackled through in response. "You nerds in position, or what?"
"Yeah, we're in position." Sam gently took the radio from her friends hands. "It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light."
"Green light, roger that." Erica sighed. "Commence Operation Child Endangerment."
"Could we maybe not call it that?" Sam glanced over her shoulder at Steve with a chuckle. "It sounds, bad."
"See you on the other side, nerds." The Sinclair girl ignored their question pointedly. The older Henderson nodded lightly, even if the girl wouldn't see it. She began fiddling with her rings anxiously.

"Alright, nerds. I'm there." Erica informed after an excruciatingly long thirty minutes.
"Do you - do you see anything?" Robin spoke over Sam's shoulder.
"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about." The Sinclair girl confirmed.
"Any guards?" Sam pushed worriedly.
"Any booby traps?" The Buckley teen humored.
Erica scoffed. "If I could see them, they'd be pretty shit traps wouldn't they?"
"Thank you for that." Sam deadpanned. There was a yell from the other side of the line before it crackled back to life.
"I'm in." She confirmed.
"Oh, God." Steve breathed out a sigh of relief, running his hands down his face. The large doors buzzed open and a very alive, very safe Erica stepped out.
"Free ice cream for life." She reminded in a yell towards the roof. The group shared a glance before pushing themselves up and moving quickly to the door.


SLICING OPEN THE TAPE OF A BOX, STEVE YANKED THE FLAPS OPEN. Inside, however, was a metal, air tight container. The Harrington teen glanced at the group before twisting it open. The five kids peered over as the air hissed back inside.
"That's definitely not Chinese food." The brunette quipped. When he went to pull the sealed canister out, however, he hesitated.
"Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back." He warned, motioned them away. Robin and Erica moved without question, but the Henderson's staid in place.
"No." Dustin spoke up for himself.
"Just...just step back, okay?" Steve gently pushed the boy into his sister and away from the box.
"No." Dustin shook his head again, pushing forward to the box.
"Step back. Seriously."
"No. No!" The curly haired boy rose his voice. "If you die, I die."
Steve sighed, glancing at Sam for some help.
"I'm with him." She crossed her arms stubbornly. The Harrington teen quickly shook his head.
"Please, will you just back up. Sam, please?" He pleaded. Not breaking their intense eye contact, the blonde shook her head.
"Okay." The brunette grumbled, turning back to the box. His shaking hand went to the canisters, clicking one open and pulling it out.
There, inside the thick glass, sat a green slime.
"What the hell?" Steve muttered in shock.
Robin stepped up unconsciously. "What is that?" However, before anyone could answer, the entire room jostled violently.
"Was that just me, or did the room move?" Dustin kept his eyes trained on the ceiling suspiciously.
"Booby traps." Erica whispered, as if the room might just give out at the slightest shift.
"You know what? Let's just grab that and go." Robin snatched the canister from her coworkers hands. Dustin nodded quickly in agreement, moving to the panel of buttons.
"Which one do I press, Erica?" The youngest Henderson called over his shoulder.
"Just press the damn button, nerd." The girl in question called back unhelpfully.
"Which one? I'm pressing the button, okay?" Dustin glanced back.
"Press 'open door'!" Erica yelled.
"I'm pressing 'open door' it's not working." Dustin rose his voice.
"Dust, come on. This isn't the time to mess around." Sam grumbled, moving towards her brother and pushing on the specific button harshly. She furrowed her eyebrows and pushed it again.
"Just press - Just hit the other button." Steve rolled his eyes as he walked over. The three began arguing over the panel while Robin and Erica yelled at them to shut up and back away.
In retaliation, the Harrington teen slammed his palm against the bright green button in the middle. Suddenly, a think red door slammed down and the room began to shake before dropping completely.
The group stumbled at the harsh movements, Erica even screamed in fear. Steve looked at the walls, noticing the lights they rapidly passed.
"Oh, shit." He mumbled.
"What the hell is going on?" The Sinclair girl yelped.
"Erica, calm down!" Sam yelled back.
"You calm down!" The youngest retorted sarcastically. Sam huffed, locking eyes with Steve briefly.

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