episode twentyfive

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the junkyard

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.


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SAM SAT ON THE FLOOR OF THE BUS ACROSS FROM STEVE. Lucas was on the roof keeping watch, while Max and Dustin sat on the actual seats.
Sam watched in silence as Harrington flicked his lighter on and off.
"So, you guys really fought one of these things before?" Max looked at the older teens warily.
"Yeah." Sam sighed, glancing at the scar along her palm. Steve just nodded his head.
"And you're, like, totally 100% sure it wasn't a bear?" She questioned with squinted eyes.
"Shit. Don't be an idiot, okay? It wasn't a bear." Dustin spoke harshly. Max looked up at him in shock while Sam and Steve shared a glance.
"Why are you even here if you don't believe us?" The Henderson boy pushed. "Just go home."
"Geesh. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" Max asked sarcastically as she climbed the ladder. Steve chuckled lightly.
"That's good. Just show her you don't care." He nodded. Sam kicked him immediately, sending him a Shut the hell up look.
"I don't." Dustin turned, unaware of the silent interaction that went on between the older two. Steve ignored the Henderson girl and sent a wink to Dustin.
"Why are you winking, Steve? Stop." The boy rolled his eyes.
"It's okay, Dustin. You'll find a girl who you can nerd out with." Sam smiled innocently. Dustin kicked her thigh with a small smile. Sam laughed lightly and pushed his legs.
There was an ear piercing growl and the trio in the bus whipped around to the window. Sam was sat on the seats and she tried her best not to focus on the fact that Steve basically trapped her, his arms on either side of her shoulders.
"You see him?" Dustin questioned openly.
"No." Both older kids spoke.
"Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin yelled up.
"Hold on." Lucas told them. After a second, he gasped. "I've got eyes. 10 o'clock! 10 o'clock!"
"There." Steve pointed out the window in a whisper.
"What's he doing?" Sam glanced over her shoulder. She looked back around quickly, realizing she was basically face to face with the Harrington teen.
"I don't know." Steve mumbled glanced to Dustin briefly.
"He's not taking the bait. Why's he stopping?" Sam looked at her brother for an explanation.
"Maybe he's not hungry." The Henderson boy shrugged. Steve's breath hitched and he stood straight.
"Maybe he's sick of cow."
"Steve? Steve, what are you doing?" Dustin followed as the older teen walked to the doors.
"Harrington!" Sam rose her voice. He turned with a sigh, bat in hand.
"Just stay here." He tossed the lighter at Sam and slowly stepped out of the bus.
Harrington whistled, trying to get the monsters attention. "Come on, buddy."
Max climbed down the ladder, turning to the Hendersons. "What's he doing?"
"Expanding the menu." Dustin said vaguely.
"I've gotta help him." Sam scrambled for her crowbar.
"What? No!" Dustin turned to her quickly, eyebrows furrowed in protest.
"He needs my help. Just be ready, okay?" Sam shoved the lighter in his hands and left the bus.
"Come on, buddy." Steve continued, planting his feet to the ground. "Human tastes better than cat, I promise."
"He's insane." Max huffed.
"He's awesome." Dustin chuckled.
Steve glanced back at the creaking and sighed. "I told you to stay, Henderson."
"I'm not a dog. I don't follow orders." Sam told him sternly as she slowly made her way to him.
"Guys, watch out!" Lucas warned in a yell laced with fear.
"Little busy here!" Harrington didn't miss a beat.
"3 o'clock! 3 o'clock!" Lucas continued. Sam glanced over and cursed under her breath. Now back to back with Steve, she took a deep breath.
"What are the chances we survive this?" The Henderson girl mumbled as she stared at the beasts.
"Uhm...they probably aren't high." Steve quipped back.
"Guys! Abort, abort!" Dustin swing the bus doors open. However, the older kids weren't able to acknowledge him as the monsters jumped out of their cover. Steve dodged one by backing up while Sam tucked and rolled out of the way.
"Guys, hurry!" The kids were now yelling from the door. Steve charged for it, slamming the bat into the dogs as he went. Unfortunately, while Sam was distracted, one knocked her to the ground.  She groaned, pushing her crowbar into its closed face while trying to throw it off her.
Suddenly, one of its long, sharp claws tore into her leg and ripped a gash across her knee. She yelled out in pain.
"Steve!" Sam called, not taking her eyes off the creature attacking her. Her leg grew increasingly warmer as her own blood spewed from her new wound. Then, the nailed bat came into view, hitting the baby Demogorgon hard enough it pierced the skin. Steve ripped the bat up, tearing the monsters side open. It scurried away whimpering.
Steve held his hand down for Sam and pulled her up easily. Wrapping his free arm around her waist, the Harrington teen rushed her to the open bus doors.
Once inside, Sam slid away, touching her leg in shock. When she brought her hands up, they were covered in blood, her blood.
"Are they rabid? Is Sam gonna get rabies?" Max yelled, genuinely worriedly for her sake. Unfortunately, it only freaked the blonde out more.
"Not helping, Max!" The Henderson teen panted heavily.
"Holy shit, Sam your bleeding. Oh, my God! We have to get you to a hospital." Lucas was rambling. Dustin ran to the back of the bus and grabbed his radio.
"Does anybody copy? Mike, Will? God! Anybody?" He yelled frantically. Steve added more metal scraps to the back of the door before turning to Sam.
She had taken off her flannel and was trying to push it onto her wound to stop the bleeding. But with the pain in her leg she just couldn't focus. Steve took the fabric and ripped it apart way easier than Sam thought was possible, wrapping the scraps around her leg.
"We are at the old junkyard, and we are going to die! Sam is bleeding out as we speak!" Dustin continued.
"Sorry in advance, Sam." Steve said over all the yelling, grabbing both ends of the fabric and pulling it into a tight knot. Sam cried out before tilting her head back against the seat in pain.
There was a low growl and Max screamed. Steve jumped up, grabbing his bat and pushing through.
"Out of the way. Out of the way!" He held the weapon up towards the roof hatch. "You want some? Come get it!"
Before anything else could happen, the monster looked to the side and ran off, shaking the bus violently as it jumped away. The group glanced around, catching their breath.
"Jesus H. Christ." Sam mumbled under her breath. Her head fell forward to her chest and she squeezed her eyes shut. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her pounding heart.
"Sam. Sam, are you okay? I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let you out there." Dustin appeared next to his sister and he ranted. Sam grabbed his hand comfortingly.
"I'm okay. I'm alright." She panted. "I'm good."
"Sam." Lucas muttered, a worried expression on his face and on Max's. Their hands were clasped together tightly from the chaos of everything.
"Guys, I promise. I'm okay." Sam held her other hand up and clasped it around the Sinclair boys and Mayfield girls. She nodded reassuringly to each of them.
The Harrington teen kneeled down next to her and looked her over quickly. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"
Sam shook her head. "I don't think so."
Steve nodded, absentmindedly placing a hand on the side of her face. Another faint roar sounded as the dogs ran off. Steve stood and stepped around them, opening the door of the bus slowly. Dustin and Lucas helped Sam to stand and quickly followed behind the Harrington teen.
"What happened?" Lucas asked rhetorically.
"I don't know." Max glanced around the foggy yard.
"Steve scared'em off?" Dustin suggested.
"No." The Harrington teen turned to face them. "No way. They're going somewhere."
"Shit." Sam ran a hand through her hair, the blood mixing with her light strands.
"Alright, get out. Move." Steve ushered the kids out of the bus before holding his hand out for Sam. She took it instantly and stumbled her way down.
"Can you walk?" Steve whispered gently. Sam nodded quickly.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." She took a confident step forward but as soon as she put weight on her leg, she crumpled. Luckily, Steve was ready. He dropped the bat and grabbed her sides.
"Okay, yeah. No." He said quickly. Grabbing her arm, he slung it over his shoulders and wrapped his own around her waist.
"Dustin, the bat." Steve motioned to the ground. "Get the bat."
"Yeah, okay." He moved quickly. "Do you want me to get her?"
"No. No, I've got her." Steve motioned them forward. "Go on, we're right behind you."
The kids looked to Sam who was busy catching her breath. "You heard him. Go on." They began walking out of the junkyard quickly.
After a beat of silence, Steve glanced to Sam's tired face.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He pushed gently. The Henderson girl took a deep breath nodded slowly.
"I'll be fine. It's not that bad." She waved him off quickly. "Thank you, by the way."
"Of course."

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