Scarrrred For Life

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(This story is based off of the picture above, it's also not at all taken seriously)

You've been wandering these endless halls for what feels like days now, the same moist carpet, the same wallpaper, it's always the same.

You continue your wandering, and you hear something moving, you spot in the corner of your eye, someone or something. Your breath quickens and you run, you run hopelessly until you see the strange geometric creature. You immediately get out of its line of sight, hoping it didn't notice you. You hear a faint voice.

"What is up my miners and crafters? Good Times With Scarrrr here!"

You peek over the side of the wall when you hear it, it sounded human. But as you look, you see it, standing in front of you.

And you know.

You're fucked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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