"You two should hold hands!"

17 0 0

I was out on a walk, I didn't really know where I was going, I just wanted to get some fresh air. I had zoned out for most of the walk, but I snapped back to reality when I heard some old man yelling like a maniac.

Turns out I had ended up outside of the farmer's market, which is also nowhere near where I live, I guess I should head back home.

As I'm walking back home, I noticed a guy walking next to me, he was honestly... kinda cute. He had short blonde hair, a bit of peach fuzz on his chin, grayish-blueish eyes, and hoop earring, he was like the embodiment of my type.

He slightly turned his head towards me, noticing that I was staring, and I quickly turned away, like anyone would. I heard a small huff of amusement from him and I couldn't help but feel like an idiot, what kind of person just stares at a random guy he doesn't know?

Though I couldn't help but shoot another glance at him, he was smirking, at me, Christ I'm such a dumbass, he probably thinks I'm an idiot. Although, why do I care so much about what he thinks? I don't even know his name or anything about him, it's not like it will matter in the long run.


Shit. The pretty man is attempting to begin a conversation with me. What am I supposed to do?

"Uh... hi."

Why is he even trying to talk to me? I just looked at him for five seconds, why would he want to talk to me?

"I uh... you were... staring at me."

Fuck. Why is he doing this?

"Yeah, sorry I uh... I was just looking at your earring."

That was the dumbest fucking lie I've ever told.

"Oh, yeah I... I get a lot of funny looks with this..."

As he spoke, I noticed something... shiny in his mouth, this man had a tongue piercing. Holy shit he is so hot. But he's looking away now, marking the end of that conversation, alright, damn, that was my one chance to get to know this hot guy walking next to me, but oh well.

Then, I heard someone yelling behind me.

"Hey! You two! You should hold hands!!"

I turned around to find whoever just yelled that, and if they were yelling it at me, and all I saw was a man with long blonde hair looking nonchalantly to the side. I noticed the other guy also looking at him, then he looked over to me.

"W-was he yelling at us?"

My face felt hot, if I had a mirror in this moment, I'd probably see a hairy tomato.

"I uh... I think he was."

He yelled again.

"Do it! Hold hands!"

Me and the man awkwardly stared at each other.

"Should we...?"

He slightly outstretched his hand towards me.

"I mean, if you want..."

I took my hand out of my pocket, putting it near his hand.


He shrugged and took my hand in his, a small smile on his face. I felt like I was about to explode into a bunch of gay fireworks.

"So... what's your name?"

"Oh, uh, it's eh... Mark."


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He just described my name as cute, I'm gonna fucking die, this man is so god damn hot. Fucking hell.

"My name's Andrew."

God fucking damn it, he's got a hot name too.

"Uh, nice to meet you.."

"Nice to meet you too dude, I'd shake your hand but, I guess holding it is a bit more comfortable."

This man is going to be the death of me.

We semi-awkwardly walked down the street, hand-in-hand, starting up small conversations and then ending them after like a minute. This kept up till we got to my apartment building.

"Oh uh... this is my place."

"Oh damn, that sucks, I was hoping you could've stayed longer."

What the fuck. Why does he have to be so god damn smooth?

"Wait, lemme give you something."

He pulled out a pen and a small piece of paper and quickly wrote something on it.

He handed me the paper, and it had his number written on it. Holy shit, someone pinch me I must be dreaming.

"I, uh, well... th-thank you! I'll uh, I'll text you when I get to my apartment, promise!"

"Nah, call me. I struggle with texting while I'm walking, plus your voice is cute."

"I-I er, eh, w-what?"

"I said your voice is cute, almost like, all of you is cute, but your voice is definitely up there."

I feel like I'm dying, is this flirting? Is he flirting with me?

"I, oh, um... thank you. You are, also very... attractive. Um..."

"Why thank you good sir, I do hope to see you again, maybe we could grab a coffee together?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah I'd love that. Sounds like fun."

"Alright cool, see you then."

He leaned closer to my face, and left a small kiss on my cheek, hardly even a kiss, more of wisp of one, a mere thought of his lips on my skin. I genuinely felt like I was about to pass out.

And with that, he walked away.

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