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Once upon a time, as all stories begin, there lived a young half-elf. Now, if you children have remembered to study the different species of elves like I told you, which I doubt you have, then you would know that half elves are often shunned by both sides of their genes. This young half-elf in particular lived in an elf village in the forest. There was a human town near the village, but they did not allow not-humans anywhere near the village, and they didn't allow humans to interact with the elf village. They had even executed the young half-elf's mother.

This young half-elf was named Salen(pronounced Say-leen). They were not entirely accepted among the village, and they were always given the difficult chores, but they did have some friends, and some people who didn't mind the fact that they were different.

Salen's closest friend other than their dad, was an elf about their age named Netyoive(pronounced Net-yoi-v). He was quite energetic and would often help Salen with their chores. Although Salen didn't live the best life, they certainly lived a quiet life, and they felt like that was enough, until the humans had decided to do something about their village.

For the longest amount of the time, the elf village and the human town had prospered together, trading valuables, weapons, and food, teaching each other about their traditions, and sharing feasts among one another. That was until a man came to the town and declared himself the new leader. He banned the elfs from coming anywhere near the village, and banned the people from going anywhere near them.

It seems that today, the town decided that banning the elves from coming near the town wasn't enough, they wanted the elves to be gone entirely. It was a quiet, relaxing day in the elf village when the humans attacked, the elves were either playing, talking, or doing their daily chores just as everyday in the village goes, until what seemed like the entire town emerged from the bushes, swords, torches, and pitchforks in hand.

It was all a blur, what had happened, yelling, running, fire spreading, whatever was going on, the elves were not doing so well. Salen had no idea what to do, they, like the rest of the village, we're unprepared. Salen took a deep breath, ran to their house and grabbed their sword, and ran out into the battlefield, blindly.

Salen had no idea what was happening, their eyes were closed and they were swinging their sword hoping to hit something, but it turns out they were the one who got hit. Salen felt a sharp pain hit the bridge of their nose, they opened their eyes to see an axe right in their face, blood flying off it.

Salen got scared and turned to run, as they escaped the flurry of fighting people they put their hand on the place they got hurt, they felt blood pooling down to their cheek, the cut was deep, it needed to be checked immediately, he turned to find the village doctor only to see her fighting off at least four or five humans.

Salen wanted to help her, but their feet refused to move, they instead turned to their house to get their own medical supplies, they had some in a box in case of an emergency. They tended to their wound as quickly as they could, the sounds of battle, loud outside. Salen took a deep breath, tightened their grip on their sword, and stood up to go protect their village. But then, anxiety overcame them and they fell before even taking a step.

"Oh no oh no oh no! I can't do this. But everyone I know and love is in danger. But the humans are so scary and I'm not good at fighting and I'm scared. So suck it up and go out there! I can't." After their argument with their conscience, they thought for a moment. "If I can't save my family, then at the very least I'll escape, and be the last one of our family name, yes, that's what I'll do."

They stood once again , more power in their legs. They looked outside and their eyes widened with fear, the humans had already slain more than half of the village, Salen took a deep breath, there were no humans near their house, so they had a clean route for escape, they turned to run, as they ran they heard. "Has anyone seen the half-elf? I want it dead by sunrise." Salen gulped realizing he was talking about them and ran to hide in a bush. They noticed that the sun was beginning to set. "Has the fight really been going on for that long?" They thought.

They didn't think about it for long, they simply waited until the humans weren't looking their way so they could escape, the sounds of battle were quieter now that the village had been destroyed, the sounds of victorious cheers from the humans and the crackling fire were all that remained. As Salen escaped they knew three things. 

One, they would never be able to return until they have proved them self worthy. Until they had proven them self to be powerful. Two, they needed confidence, if they were going into the unknown by them self, they were probably going to have fight a lot of monsters all on their own, so they needed to know how to fight, and they needed the will to do so.

And three, by leaving the ruins of the village to burn, and the bodies of their kin to rot, they were leaving behind everything and everyone they loved. Their father, Netyoive, and everything else. They were on their own now, and it would be like that for a long time.

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