The Underwater Hotel

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Once upon a time, there was a young man named Sully who aspired to be the owner of an underwater hotel, he would tell all his friends and none would believe him, they said it just wasn't possible, but he kept on trying. Then one day, he met a young lady named Tiffany, who agreed to help him make his underwater hotel, and that's what they did, they built an entire hotel and then threw it in the water.

After that, the hotel was a great success, but they got into some controversy. Turns out, before young Sully made his hotel, he got several people killed and even more hospitalized. Now you'd think that this would mean nobody would want to go to The Underwater Hotel anymore, but Sully managed to attract people back by doing acrobatics to entice them.

But then, tragedy struck. The Underwater Hotel sunk, everything Sully had worked for was ruined. So the young man and Tiffany looked for new property to build the new underwater hotel on.

They used the money they had to buy the property for the whitehouse, they then burnt down the whitehouse and built the hotel there, they then poured water on it to give it the underwater feeling. They also hired Gordan Ramesy to be their chef, he said he'd do it, but a large amount of their profits had to go to paying him.

But of course, bad luck seemed to follow The Underwater Hotel like a lost duckling, and no one knows how, but it sank yet again, and everyone unfortunately drowned, but Sully and Tiffany were miraculously revived, they then rebuilt the hotel, now underwater again, rehiring Gordan Ramesy to be their chef. Unfortunately he soon left to go host a show or something.

One day, the CEO was taking reservations, but unbeknownst to anyone, she had meningitis, and she spread it to everyone who entered the hotel, which was very bad for business, but what made things worse, was the day the blind old woman came hobbling up to the front desk.

She said she wanted to book a room for her great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandbabies. Which was confusing to the CEO cause she wasn't sure what year that would be.

After booking the room, she hobbled into the hotel without permission, but the CEO didn't even notice because she was busy coughing. After that, meningitis spread throughout the entire hotel. Eventually the hotel had to be closed, many were hospitalized, and some died. The CEO was then cured from her disease and the hotel was reopened.

Everything was fine for a while, until people began to complain about getting marbles dropped on their heads and strange sounds coming from the vents. So Sully and Tiffany decided to investigate, crawling into the unusually wide vents to find the source of the issues, there, they found the blind old woman, somehow cured of the meningitis that she had contracted from the CEO, eating a bag full of marbles.

Marbles, a delacy in many places, the chefs of the hotel had ordered a bag of these rare, expensive, and amazingly delicious things to attract customers and make more money, but they had gone missing. Who knew they were stolen by a blind old woman crawling the vents?

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