Shinto Tournament Pt.8/Curse of God

Start from the beginning

Rimuru(Leviathan): Because that's not fun, and to answer your question on who my darling is, you know him very well.

Zekram: Someone who I know very well...

Wait.... wait a fucking minute?!

Zekram: You mean that disgrace! Izou Sparda—

The pressure in the room hit more heavier the moment he said that and he was slowly lifted off the ground and began to choke him as he struggled from her grip but it was no use.

Is this how he dies here? Not even getting back at Izou for what he did to him? He killed his son and sent a live video just to spite him.

Rimuru(Leviathan): Perhaps... you can provide me some entertainment.

She looked around and noticed some magitek soldiers around the corner but they didn't target her and she looked back to Zekram and let go of him and he coughed alot before gathering himself,

Rimuru(Leviathan): You want to get revenge on my darling? Okay I'm not gonna stop you... if anything I'm encouraging you to go after him.

Zekram: A-And why is that?

She leaned in closer and whispered into his ear,

Rimuru(Leviathan): Because it will fill me with so much joy seeing you try hardest and then you'll begin to realize that in the end, it was all meaningless.

Zekram: Y-you really are a fucking soulless monster!

And all she did was giggle causing him to snarl in rage

Rimuru(Leviathan) Monster? No I am a devil. You of all people should know. Oh my, he seems to be done having fun.

A torrent of blue flames inside the Phoenix clan can be seen from miles away and then Zekram sees a young man with scars all over his face and body who he has never seen before but he could tell he was dangerous in his own right.

Dabi: Fried chicken is on the menu.

Rimuru(Leviathan): Ah so you're done having fun?

Dabi: Oh yeah, can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see him like that, how tragic.

Oh well, he was just as much to blame as her.

If it will hurt the "strongest Phoenix", he'll do it.

And he'll do it while laughing.

She nodded her head,

Rimuru(Leviathan): Good. Now I believe it's time we get what I've came here for.

She teleported away and walked to her destination and found it and punched the door down and it revealed a young man with jet black hair with the same colored eyes. He looked up to see her and they exchanged looks before she broke him out of the chains he was kept in.

Rimuru(Leviathan): I told you I was gonna get you out of here one day didn't I?

The man chuckled and walked out of his own personal cell, due to his curse placed on him by his own father, snapping his fingers his tore up clothes were now replaced with his own.

Rimuru(Leviathan): Come on out brother, it's not there gonna stop you or any of us.

Sure enough, Muzan also made his appearance beside her.

Muzan??: To think that my home that I built became this easy to get into, I'm very disappointed.

He looked to see the man infront of him and snapped his fingers and he was healed, not completely but enough to get him walking and use some of his power due to being sealed in the coldest hell to exist.

Muzan??: It's been a while since I last seen you.

??:Yes, yes it has.

Muzan and Rimuru smiled,

Muzan: Are you ready to get out here brother? Or should I say....

The man smiled with his red eyes filled with chaos.

The man smiled with his red eyes filled with chaos

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Muzan??: Samael

The curse of God has been broken out of Cocytus where he resided for far too long.

Chapter 72 Complete

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