'What do the agents want with them', he asks.

'Apparently, they stole something highly valuable that has something in it, a necklace of some sort and it's a key to something', she explains, 'we don't know much, but once we have it, we'll get all the information we need', she replies and he gives her a curt nod to show he understood.

'You just have to get to them before 9am', I tell them and hear Coulson sigh when they all look at me, 'what's 9am', he questioned.

'That's when Clyde's crew member, Henry Methvin, sells them out. He turns them over to the legendary ranger, Frank Hamer... and that's when him and his men pump over 130 bullets into Bonnie and Clyde's car at 9am', I explained.

'Great, this just keeps getting better and better, what's next, you're going to tell us what she wrote as her last poem', May asks.

'Someday they'll go down together, they'll bury them side by side. To a few it'll be grief. To the law a relief. But it's death for Bonnie and Clyde', I recited.

'Y/n, how many times do I have to tell you not to be a know it all', she says as I looked up at her, 'you wanted to know, so I was simply answering your question', I said as they cackled with laughter.


*Wanda POV*

I walked into Y/n's room, and see her fast asleep, so I smiled, walked over and took a seat beside her so I could watch over her, Bucky needed to grab some things, so he asked me to watch over her, she had a bad night too, so he was more then worried to have her alone.

I moved my hand over her head when she let out a strained whimper, so I moved closer, picked her head up and put it on my legs and continued to stroke her head, which eventually did comfort her, 'It's just a dream', I whispered to her and she grasps at my arm and her fingers pressed into my skin, tighter, so I began to talk, tell her a story, just like Bucky does when she's having a bad night and it seems to calm her.

'Let's just say, you sleep a lot', I tell her after her eyes fly open and I give her minute to wake up properly and process everything.

'Where's Bucky', she asked and looks up at me, 'He told me he wanted to get something and asked to look after you', I reply to her and she nods and I continue to stare at her, 'you know, I can help you', I offer her and see her brows draw together, 'with what exactly', she asked, clearly confused.

'If you like, I can help to unlock some of your memories', I suggested and she's surprised, 'you can do that', she asks and I nod, 'Yeah, my powers allow me to do it... shall we go down and begin', I ask her, and she nods again, gets up and follows me down so we could begin.



I walked in, seating myself on the gurney when I saw Steve and Bucky coming in to and saw their confusion, 'what's going on, why are you in the Medbay', Steve asked.

'Y/n wants me to unlock some of her memories', Wanda answered as their heads shot back to me whilst the rest of the team walked in, 'are you sure about this Y/n, it's going to hurt', Steve explained as I sigh and nod.

'I'm sure... now please do it', I instructed, and when the room is filled with silence, I lay back on the gurney then feel Bucky's hand snake around my own.

When I looked up at him, the first thing I notice is his worry and concern, 'It's going to be okay Bucky... I'm going to be fine', I reassured him and when I reached up and placed my hand on his cheek, he kissed the palm of it and clutched onto it with his own hand.

'Are you sure this is safe M'Lady', Thor says, and when I move my eyes to him, I see his worry, along with everyone else's, 'I'm sure, besides, Loki's here if anything goes wrong, so he knows how to stop me', I explain.

*Steve POV*

Bucky had glanced over at me, so I gave him a reassured nod when he grabs her hand again, and smiled a little, I'm glad they have each other, for the longest time he's felt alone so I'm glad they have a connection and make each other happy, they both deserve it.

'Ready', Wanda asks her when she moves her hand over her head and Y/n gives her a curt not, 'I'm ready', she states and before Wanda begins, she tightens her hand around Bucky's and closes her eyes when Wanda slowly starts.

We're then watching Wanda begin, red streak twirl around her fingers, bringing her hands closer, the whole team along with myself watched, but then the screams began, tumbling the whole Medbay and we had to grip onto something so we didn't fall, 'STOP, You're hurting her', We heard Bucky yell and Sam is the first to quickly pulled him off of her and walk him out of the room.

Her screams became even more louder, roaring, even, that it made her body convulse, which then made her fall off and land onto the floor, 'Wanda Stop', me and Tony instructed, but when we looked up at her, it was like she was somewhere else, somewhere dark, I think she became too trapped into her memories that she's fallen into them, or something other.

Her eyes then became red, enthralled in blackness, 'Wanda listen to me, you need to stop or else you're going to kill her', Nat says, trying to get through to her, and the next minute we know, Bucky barges in, 'what the hell, make her stop', he pleads.

'We need to sedate Wanda, she's gone to deep', Thor implies whilst Vision steps in, 'if we break the connection in any way, theirs an 85% chance that they both die', he says as we stare around at each other whilst Bucky holds her, tight.

'Someone needs to stop her', Pietro says and we're watching Vision make his way infront of Wanda when she stayed, paused in place and his forehead meets hers, 'Can you feel me Wanda, I need you to stop', he says, and it's then an aspect of light appears in her eyes whilst she pushes away the darkness and began to scan his face, when he kissed her forehead, 'I'm here, I can feel you', she whispered and her power came to a stop when she scans the room soon after.

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't know', she says, then steps away from Vision and walks over to where Y/n had fallen, 'stay away', Bucky snapped as she stopped in her track and he looked at her, 'what is wrong with you, you should've stopped', he says, half yelling at her, and her head bowed slightly, 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to', she says as I step forward and put a hand on her shoulder, 'it was an accident Buck, we all just need to stay calm', I said, before he could say something else to make her upset, I could already tell she was feeling guilty, and she didn't deserve that, it's not her fault, she was trying to help.

It didn't help though, he still yelled at her, but that was until Y/n reached out, in her half dazed state and he looked at her, 'Stop it', she whispered as her hand met his cheek, 'she didn't know, and it was an accident', she says, and then his forehead meets hers as he sighed and tried to calm down, 'I'm sorry', he says as she nods and I take a few steps towards them, 'Y/n, are you okay', I asked as she moved her head slightly to the side and nods when Bucky moved away a little, 'Mmm', she mumbled and then her hand reached out to me and I take it whilst she whispered something I couldn't make out so I leaned in.

'What did you say', I said as her head lifted a little and she began to whisper something I my ear, 'you have to listen to me, Hydra...', she began to say when her head fell back on the gurney and I moved closer to see what she had to say, '...Hydra made a serum that-that's similar to the one you and Bucky have', she began to explain, shaking her head in the process to try and focus and I knew she was ready to pass out, 'It's okay Y/n, tell me when you wake up', I say as she shook her head again, 'I suffered the same torture Bucky did, they trained me to become their weapon', she says as I stare down at her and noticing her eyes fall shut before she could tell me anything else.

Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate you, I love youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin