"Do you think I give a shit? Figure it out, and have the cash by Monday or you're done," Natalie hissed and I saw her take a step back and to close the door. I was about to start running back down the hallway to ensure Natalie did not catch me, but whoever she was talking to was quick with a response.

"And what if I just leave it?"

Natalie paused at this. After a tense moment, she responded.

"Fine, whatever's stashed just leave it at the drop on Monday, but clean this place out,". Seeing Natalie close the door I made my way as quickly as possible around the corner of the hallway to be out of Natalie's line of vision.

I made my way up the stairs to the bathroom beside my bedroom and was glad to find it empty. My mind was reeling thinking about Natalie and the strangers conversation. The words clean this place out were making no sense. Did she mean my house? And what was the market the guy had been talking about?

As I sat down on the toilet I looked up and saw the sink cabinet door partially opened and a brand new chill went down my back. The cabinet door that only opened when someone had moved the cabinet. The cabinet that hid the secret hiding space.

I had not though about the hiding space behind my sink in a while, but seeing the cabinet door opened and thinking to Natalie's hushed conversation, a sense of panic started to raise in me.

Finishing up, I quickly washed my hands. I checked the bathroom door was locked and proceeded to pull the sink cabinet forward. Pulling it out until it no longer could, I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight.

The silver latch that had hidden behind the cabinet was now locked with a padlock.

Someone had been in here.

Dropping to my knees I reached down to pull at the padlock, but it was fully secure keeping safe whatever had been stashed in the hiding space.

With the sound of the base downstairs and the alcohol clouding my head, I could not figure out what dots to connect. But, a part of me knew it was nobody who lived in this house that put that padlock on the hiding spot.

I inspected the padlock and noticed it could be opened with a key, which gave me an idea.

Standing up, I pushed the cabinet back into place and tidied myself up in the mirror. As I was leaving the bathroom I took the key from the inside of the door and locked the bathroom from the outside. My lack of pockets was suddenly an issue, so before heading back downstairs I went into my bedroom to stash the key somewhere nobody could find it.

Realising the desk drawer would be too obvious I opted for my closet. As I dropped the key into a boot at the back of the closet a voice startled me.

"What are you doing?"

It was Rosie.

I took a breath, to calm my self down and grabbed a pair of sneakers before standing back up and out of the closet to face her.

"My shoes are really uncomfortable," I shrugged, motioning to the sneakers which caused Rosie to raise an eyebrow.

"I don't want to make a closet joke but those really wouldn't work with your outfit," Rosie smirked and it turned into a laugh when I rolled my eyes and tossed the shoes back into the closet.

"What are you doing up here?" I asked moving towards her. Rosie ducked her head for a moment before pulling her hand from behind her back and revealing a card.

"To give you this," Rosie handed me an envelope with my name on it and I could only assume it was a birthday card. When I went to open it Rosie's hand shot out stopping me, "Don't. Not yet, can you wait until I've left?"

Little Miss Drug Lord (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now