I remember your love

Start from the beginning

The doctor stepped towards Kakashi "you will be let out in
two days, we need to know if you suffered any injuries or if
you'll go comatose again" he said.

Kakashi nodded. Obito looked up at him. Kakashi didn't know this boy, but
seeing him cry made him feel awful. He didn't know why. Kakashi grabbed
Obitos arm, giving him a very serious face "listen, I'm going to believe you..
but break my trust and you'll regret it. A lot" he said, giving him a glare.

Obito nodded. He looked really confident for someone who just got threatened.

After two days Kakashi was let out the hospital. He walked out the
hospital with Obito and was amazed by the world outside.

He looked at the trees, everyone around him, water, flowers, grass, he loved
everything about the nature around him. Since he didn't have memories, he
didn't really know what the outside world was.

"Want to go back to my house?" Obito asked.

Kakashi paused. He couldn't just trust this stranger. He looked
over at Obito.

Obito nodded "i know you don't trust me Kakashi. I wouldn't either"
Obito pulled out a phone and went to the camera roll.
"Here, maybe this will make you trust me more" he smiled.

Kakashi took the phone and swiped through the images. He saw images
of him and Obito. Most of them were Obito taking a picture with Kakashi
sleeping on him, others were Kakashi and him kissing or just taking
a picture at restaurants.

Kakashi was a bit surprised at the photos. Was this boy actually his boyfriend?
This was pretty convincing evidence.

"Remember anything? At all?" Obito grabbed his hand.

Kakashi shook his head, he gave back the phone "alright, I'll.. go
to your house.." he looked away.

Obito smiled, he put his phone away and walked with Kakashi.
Obito started telling him about things the two would do together.

He told him about the time when Obito gave Kakashi a kitten
for his birthday, and when they went to a theme park with a
girl named Rin. He told him that they both would go on dates and
always feed each other sweets.

Kakashi smiled at all of it. The way Obito described it, Kakashi had
an amazing relationship, and he felt awful that he didn't remember it at

When they reached Obitos house, Obito showed Kakashi his kitten, Ace. He
showed him his room, it was filled with images of him and Obito, and
long LEDs that were turned cyan.

Kakashi sat down in the bed, looking around. Obito gave him a
worried look "do you remember anything now?" He looked desperate.

Kakashi looked down, he shook his head. Obito looked disappointed.
Kakashi stood up and grabbed Obitos hands "don't worry, you sound
like an amazing boyfriend and I'm sure I loved you a lot" he smiled.
"I'm so sorry I don't remember you.. from what I hear, your perfect for me" Kakashi

Obito blushed a little "thank you Kakashi, I can't wait for you to get your
memories back.. I want my snowflake back.." Obito had tears forming
in his eyes, he hugged Kakashi.

Kakashi hugged back. He felt so safe with Obito, being a total stranger, he
was a kind person, and Kakashi found himself falling for him already.

The two heard a knock on the front door and they went over
to open it to see Rin.

"Kakashi! You're out the hospital! Are you okay?" She asked, hugging
Kakashi and pulling apart.

Kakashi looked at her confused "um.. you are.. uh.." he racked his brain.

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