Because I love you

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In the car

"You know you can't do this without me. You're not gonna find him on your own." Kate says to my dad
"We're gonna talk about everything, I promise. Call me when you get there." My dad says to me and Allison ignoring Kate
"Uh huh" I say leaning my face into his hand he kissed me and Allison's forehead and kate drove away.

In the car At the hospital

Kate took us to the hospital so Allison could see Lydia she came back outside a couple minutes later
"You get it now? It's what they do they can't help it" Kate tells Allison and I
"All of them?" Allison asked
"Yes Allison even Scott" Kate says driving towards the hale house.

At the hale house

"Allison shoot Derek" Kate told allison "Now the leg" Kate says "Addison flash bolt" Kate says I pull it out and shoot it at the tree "see natural talent" she says smiling standing up
"Allison Addison let me explain" Scott said as we walked toward him
"Stop lying for once stop lying" Allison says to Scott
"I was gonna tell you the truth at the formal. I was gonna tell you everything. Because everything that I said, everything that I did -" Allison cuts him off
"Was to protect me" Allison says
"Yes" he says I look between them
"I don't believe you" Allison says
"Thank god now shoot him before I have to shoot myself" Kate says I quickly turn my head
"You said we were just going to catch them?" I say
"We did that. Now we're gonna kill them." Kate says shooting Derek my mouth drops open and I run up to him "See? Not that hard. Oh, no - I know that look. That's the "you're gonna have to do it yourself" look." Kate says after seeing the look me and Allison gave her
"Kate Kate what are you doing?" Allison asked but she ignored her and pulled out her gun
"Kate!" I say loudly
"I do love those brown eyes" Kate says my dad walks over to us
"Kate I know what you did put the gun down" my dad says walking over to us
"I did what I was told to do" Kate says
"No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house, ones who were human. Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun at a 16 - year - old boy with no proof he spilled human blood. We go by the code - Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent." Me and Allison looked at eachother
"We hunt those who hunt us" we say
"Put the gun down before I put you down" my dad said shooting infont of her the door to the hale house opens "Addison Allison get back" my dad says pointing the gun toward the house
"What is it" I asked
"It's the Alpha" Scott says standing infront of Allison and I
"Come on come on" late yelled shooting everywhere Peter takes Kate by the throat
"No" me and Allison yell following him into the hale house
"They are beautiful, Kate. looks like you. Probably not as damaged. So I'm going to give you a chance to save them. Apologize. Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years. Say it - And I'll let them live." Peter says holding her throat still me and Allison shake our heads yes with tears running down our face
"I'm sorry" she says Peter takes a deep breath in and claws her throat
"NO!" I scream
"I don't know about you but that apology - didn't sound very sincere." Peter says Scott and Derek walk in and look at us
"Run!" Scott says and we do we run to our dad
"Dad dad come on dad" I say my dad wakes up and looks behind me Stiles and Jackson show up with two bottles and Scott comes flying through the window along with the Alpha I run over to stiles who through the first bottle but Peter caught it
"Addison shoot the bottle" Stiles says I grab my bow and shoot the bottle and Peter lights on fire Jackson looks at his bottle and throws it at him and he falls to the ground he body burnt to a crisp I look at Stiles and hug him
"Thank god your okay" Stiles says hugging my back I pull away and kiss him
"What was that for?" Stiles asked
"It was a little Thank you for saving my life" I say Stiles smiles and kisses me again
"Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek. If you do this, I'm dead. Her father, her family - what am I supposed to do?" Scott asked Derek
"You've - already - decided. I can smell it on you!" Peter whispered to Derek he looks at Scott the back at Peter and raises his claw
"Wait wait wait" Scott yells and Derek ignores him and slashes peters throat I hide my head in Stiless arm
"I'm the Alpha now" I hear Derek say

At Home

Me and Allison walk upstairs
"So you and Stiles huh?" Allison days trying to smile
"I don't know actually" I say a little sad
"Wanna talk about it?" Allison asked walking in
"No" I say laying back
"Cry pile?" Allison asked I look at her and put my arms out "I don't know what to say" Allison says
"We just lost our Aunt to a phyco werewolf who murdered people because he wanted revenge there is nothing much you can say" I say.

(That's the end I hope you liked the book there will be a second one called the hunters become the hunted which will be during season 2)

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