The New Girls

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"Home sweet home" Mom said with a smile
"Don't say that to soon we always move" I said as I walked up to my room
"Give her time mom she just started to make friends in San Francisco and we moved" she walked up to the room to talk to me "Hey..." Allison said while walking into my new room I turned around and looked at her
"You know we might stay here awhile so you might as well start unpacking... here let me help" she walked up and bumped my hip I smiled we started unpacking and a little while later my mom calls
"Girls dad brought food for dinner if you want to help cook it" we looked at eachother and raced downstairs.

Allison's phone started to ring while we were out side the school she put it on speaker and set it on the table
"Mom 3 calls on our first day is a little over doing it" I said into the phone
"Do you girls have everything" Allison and I both dug through our bags
"I didn't bring a pen" we said at the same time we looked at eachother and laughed
"Addison Allison do you need me to drop you off one" we looked at eachother and said
"We will be fine mom" we looked over and the principal walked over to us
"Mom we have to go love you bye" I quickly hung up the phone

Scott's pov

"Bring bring bring" I heard a cell phone ringing but no one was fazed I looked around the room to find out who's phone was ringing I looked out the window to find out what cell phone was ringing and I saw two girls sitting outside waiting for the principal and herd
"Mom 3 calls on our first day is a little over doing it" one of the girls said to their mother over the phone
"I didn't bring a pen" they said at the same time they looked at eachother and laughed "we are fine mom" they looked over and saw the principal walking over to them
"Mom we have to go love you bye" they said as they hung up the phone
"So you Allison and Addison right?"
"So we're are you coming from"
"Oh uh San Francisco" Allison said "we move around a lot my dad came here for his business"
"Well maybe Becan Hills will be you last stop for a while" I turned to Stiles and whispered
"Give the girl who sits behind you a pen"
"What why?" He looks at me with confusion
"Just give it to her"

Addisons pov

We walked in the class room and everyone was staring at us
"This is Addison and Allison Argent make sure you make them feel welcome at our school" the principal said as he walked out
"Uh Addison you can sit behind Stiles over there and Allison you can sit behind Scott both of you raise you hand" I walked over to the kid with a buzz cut and sat behind him he turned around and gave me a pen
"Thanks" I took the pen and looked over at Allison the kid that she sat behind gave her a pen to I looked at her confused and she shrugged her shoulders.

After school we walked to Allison's locker so she could put stuff in it
"You know Allison most kids on their first day of school would want to get out of it at the end of the day"
"Well Addison I needed to put things in my locker and you can't leave without me so your stuck with me"
I turned around and looked at the kid with a buzz cut who was looking at me and smiled "what are you smiling at?" Allison asked
"That kid over there he gave me a pen in class"
"The guy next to him gave me one too"
"It love your skirt and your bag were did you guys get it?" Me and Allison looked at the girl and I said
"Our mom has I buyer in San Francisco" I smiled a small smile
"And you guys are my new best friends" She said "I'm Lydia"
"Allison" Allison said
"Addison" I said then this guy ran up behind Lydia and kissed her neck
"Jackson" she said me and Allison looked away and happened to look at Scott and Stiles they were staring at us as we were talking to Lydia we saw a girl walk up to them
"How are new girls here all of five minutes and they are already hanging out with Lydia click" she says to them
"Because their hot" Stiles said looking at me
"Oh my gosh you should totally come to Jackson's party Friday everyone will be there"
"Oh umm" I looked at Allison and started to say "sorry we have family night on Friday" I lied
"Oh well you should a least watch the scrimmage"
"What like football" Allison asked
"Puff football is a joke our sport here is lacrosse we are the winning teams" Jackson laughed
"Only because of a certain team captain" Lydia said "Come on" Lydia grabbed me and Allison's hand and dragged us to the field

When we got there me and Allison saw Stiles and Scott talking
"Who are they" I asked pointing to Scott and Stiles bumping their chest
"Who them" she twisted her head "I don't know" I rolled my eyes and looked at her "why do you ask?" She looks at us
"He gave me a pen" me and Allison said at the same time
"Wow you guys are really similar like you say things at the same time you forget the same things like I mean idk but hey it's cool" me and Allison looked at eachother and laughed Stiles went and sat on the bench and I sat there starring at him
"I think I'm gonna go talk to him" I standing up to go talk to Stiles Allison looked up at me and said
"I wouldn't how about you stay here and watch the game"
"Allison I will still be watching the game just next to him" I said walking towards the bench "Hey..." Stiles looked over at me with surprise
"Hey" he slide over so I could sit next to him
"I'm Addison" he looked at me and smiled
"Stiles" everyone on the bench looked at me with Stiles and looked confused
"So uh do you every play" he looked over at me with a confused look
"Oh no I uh I just sit on the bench" I laughed and smiled we talked for a little while more until the game was over

After the game was over me and Stiles stood up and ran to Scott who was standing on the field
"Dude that was amazing" Stiles said
"Yeah that was amazing" Scott looked at me confused "right we haven't meet yet I'm Addison"
"Addison come on we have to get home" I look back and see Allison
"Sorry I have to go uh see you tomorrow" I said turning around and running to Allison Lydia and Jackson.
Me and Allison got to the car
"So how was your talk with that guy?"
"Stiles? Good we just talked about how Scott his bestfriend was playing today" she smiled at me
"You like him don't you" I looked at her and smiled then I snapped out of it
"No I don't like him" I shook my head but she knew I was lying
"Whatever you say" she said getting in

At home I went to go grab my keys and go on a drive while I was driving this guy ran across the road and I almost him I freaked out and drove to the sheriff station I banged in the door and Stiles answer
"I uh I was drive down the road and this guy.. this guy was running across the road he wasn't looking and he just ran and I almost hit him I uh I don't know if he is ok he's uh he's in the back seat he isn't bleeding he is just passed out I don't know what to do" I cried while standing in the ran
"It's ok its ok can we bring him inside so we can take a look?" I looked him in the eyes and whipped away my tears to open the back door he opened his eyes and gasped for breath as I jumped back into Stiles's arms "its ok its ok he is just in shock" I looked at him and smiled
"That makes two of us" I said Stiles and I carried the guy inside the sheriff's station
"Stiles what are you still doing here I thought I said go hom...e" Mr Stilinski said while walking out of his office he stopped as he saw me in Stiles arms sitting down on the bench
"Dad uh this is Addison she almost hit someone on her way home so she brought them here"
"Are you ok?" Mr Stilinski asked
"Yeah just a little..."
"Freaked out?" Mr Stilinski asked I shook my head and laid my head on Stiles shoulder he smiled and rubbed my shoulder to comfort me a couple minutes later we went to go see if the man was ok
"I'm sorry I totally freaked out like a girl" I said
"Well you are a girl"
"I freaked out like a girly girl and I'm not a girly girl"
"Well if I was in your shoes I would do the same thing matter of fact I would cry and like not a manly cry like the biggest girly girl cry ever" I laughed Mr Stilinski was standing outside watching us
"You know it isn't nice to stare at your son and his girlfriend" a worker said standing behind Mr Stilinski
"I haven't herd anything about this girl and I herd about his other crush for years but the way he looks at this one it's like the way.."
"The way you looked at your wife" the officer said Mr Stilinski turned around "before she died she would come and visit you every Friday and as soon as she walked in the door you would look at her with those eye that Stiles has right now looking at that girl" Mr Stilinski smiled and looked back at us
"I should really get home" I said looking at my watch to check what time it was
"Ok I'll walk you to your car" he said opening the door to let me out
"Thank you" when we got to my car he opened the door and asked
"Uh is it really family night on Friday?" I looked up at him and smiled
"Family night was a total lie" I laughed
"So do you uh want to go to that party with me?" He smiled
"Yeah I would love that" I smiled as I got into my car.

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