six in a row

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We made it to the bowling alley meeting Scott stiles and Jackson
"Hey" I say walking up to Stiles who was grabbing a bowling ball
"Hey" he says grabbing a blue one I grab a purple one and look at him
"I'm guessing blue is your favorite color" he looks at me
"How did you know?"
"Oh uh you jeep is blue and you chose the blue bowling ball so"
"Well you guessed correctly" he looks over at Scott and Allison "you and Allison really know how to bowl huh" I smile
"We bowled with our dad all the time Allison was way better then me always" I say looking over at them
"Let's go were about to start the game" Jackson yells to me and Stiles the order went Lydia Jackson Me Stiles Allison Scott, Jackson got a strike the first time along with me stiles and Allison it was Scott turn and he started shaking
"Alli he doesn't look to good help him" Scott you got this she whispers he rolls the ball and it goes in the gutter
"So much for I'm a great bowler" Jackson and Lydia laugh
"Hey he just got started" I said putting him on the back
"Whatever" Jackson says standing up to help Lydia who was pretending to be back we all roll our eyes when she sighs when she doesn't make it, we all went and it was Scott turn again me stiles and Allison sat on the edge of out seats then Allison walked over to him
"Scott your thinking to much just ease into it uh think of something different" she says
"Like what"
"Think of me" she says starting to walk away she turns around and whispers into his ear "naked" he sat there in shock as she sat down and smiled and rolls the ball down the isle and gets a strike me stiles and Allison cheered
"What did you say to him" Lydia asked
"Oh I just gave him somthing to think about" We went by all of us getting strikes except Lydia who was still faking
"That was amazing" Allison smiles I look over at Jackson
"Jackson uh how many strikes was that?" I ask sarcastically he grins his teeth before answering
" a row" he says
"Somthing just clicked I guess" Scott says
"Maybe it natural talent" Allison smiles putting her arm around Scott's Lydia stands up and stands infront of Scott
"I could use some natural talent you mind helping me put this time scott?" Me and stiles gave her a dirty look
"No you got it" he replied
"Thanks for the vote of confidence" she said sarcastically Jackson started to stand up
"I'll help" he says
"How bout I try this on my own?" She says picking up a bowling ball she rolls it and gets a strike "I think I'm getting the hang of it" she says spinning around
"The was sort if perfect for" I say shocked
"Was it?" She asked
"maybe you should stop pretending to suck for his benefit"
"Trust me-- I do plenty of sucking just for his benefit." She says and I roll my eyes putting my head on Stiles shoulder
"Your not falling asleep are you"
"Nooo I'm just... resting my eyes" I say
"Can we leave?" I ask Stiles sleepy
"Yeah hold on I'll tell them" he stands up and walks away he runs back next to me "they said bye" he says walking with me. We make it home and he walks me to the door
"It was fun but uh triple date isn't my thing" I say looking at him
"Yeah me neither" he says "Well I'm going to let you sleep night addison" he says walking away
"Night" I whisper to myself and walk inside quietly. I waited for Allison to get home when I heard a car pull up
"Finally" I say standing up out of bed to get the door I walk up to it but stopped not wanting to interupt whoever it was so I went to the window to see, I see Allison and Scott standing next to eachother
"So uh do you think we could hang out again soon?" Scott asked Allison
"Definitely but I have to admit I'm not a whole fan of group dates so maybe next time just the two of us"
"I could totally handle more of that"he says smiling and stepping closer to her
"Great" Allison says leaning in for a kiss she stop close to him making sure he wanted to but then smashes he lips to his and kissed him she pulls away and smiles turning toward the door
"Allison?" She turned back around to look at him Scott leaned back in to kiss he and they held it there for a second when they pulled away they both had a wide smile I rolled my eye then looked back
"And I could handle more of that" she says turning around opening the door I stand there looking at my twin with a smile
"You kissed him" I say quietly she hits me then walks upstairs I follow her until she get to her room
"Why are you following me?" She asked changing into her pajamas
"I wanna know what happend after we left" she look at me
"That's what I wanna know" I look at her confused then it clicked
"What no Allison we just drove back here nothing else" I defend
"So you didn't kiss" I press my lips together and shake my head no "you wanted to though" I look at her bitting my lip then shake my head no again
"Huh ok well I guess he can go back to falling for Lydia even though he has no chance" she says laying on her bed I bite the side of my cheek at the sound of stiles and Lydia "addi?" She says sitting up
"Huh" I say
"Are you ok?" She looks at me
"Yeah yeah why wouldn't I be?" Before she could answer I say "I'm going to bed see you in the morning" I say with a blank face turning around and walking out the door to my room.

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