Ten amazing years have passed with very few worries. Jas and I now have three beautiful children. Eliza, our eldest (9), Allison, our middle child (6), and Weston, our youngest (4). Over the years we've had an amazing life. We stayed in Forks for a few years before traveling down the coast. We found an amazing house in a small town in the upper part of California. Thankfully it's only a few hours from Dad's house so we visit nearly every weekend. Dad redid Bella's room into a kid's room. There were bunk beds and a twin so each kid gets their own space to sleep. The only downside is the arguing to see who gets the top bunk. Usually, it's Eliza since she is the oldest.

I continued my education in childhood care and own my own in-home daycare business. Jas became a deputy in Forks under Dad and continued the career path in our new town. Last year he became the head deputy, in line for the next sheriff. Also last year I made the transition from full Human to Nightwalker. It took so long because I wanted the kids to be a bit older just in case something went wrong. But it didn't.

We still keep in touch with most of the Cullens. Rose and Emmett have three kids as well. Twin boys, Asher and Adrian (7), and one girl, Selena (3). Last they told us Emmett was a forest Ranger and Rose owned a hair salon. Carlisle and Esme recently had their first biological child, a baby boy. His name is Carter and he just turned one. Savanna and Ryan don't have any kids yet but I know they are in their future. Right now they are just traveling and seeing the world.

Bella and Edward kept their distance. About eight years ago we bumped into them just outside of Forks. Bella begged again to be changed into a Nightwalker so she could see Dad. And again I refused. Things got heated quickly and Edward had to drag Bella away. Thankfully they were the only problem we had to deal with. Carlisle sent word that Bella had been changed into a Cold One to the Volturi so they were not an issue. Alice did come around but she didn't want to be changed. She just wanted to apologize for pushing me aside. She explained that what she was truly looking for was a picture-perfect family and for a while, she had that and when she saw Bella and me for the first time it only mattered how we fit in that family. After meeting her true mate and feeling true love she knew that what she did was wrong. It took a few months but I forgave her. For a wedding gift, Jas and I gave Alice and her mate, Kayden, the Nightwalker cure. So far she hasn't used it but we wanted her to have that option.

"Mommy, Lizy won't give me my truck," Weston said beside me. I put my journal away to find Eliza and Weston fighting.

"Liz, give him back the truck," I said sternly, using my 'mom' voice.

"But Wes took my car for my Barbies and they are going to the beach, they need something to drive in," Eliza said.

"Wes... Did you take your sister's car?"

"Yes," he said quietly.

"Give it back and Lizy will give you back your truck."


He ran to the kitchen and came back with a pink convertible car. Eliza took her pink car and Weston took his truck. I gave them both a kiss on the head before walking into the kitchen. Allison was sitting on the counter with a bowl full of cookie dough. Next to her stood my glorious husband who was taking the cookie dough and placing it on the baking sheets.

"Crisis averted?" Jas asked, not looking up from his task.

"Crisis averted. And what are you two up to?" I asked, kissing Allison on the forehead before stealing a bite of cookie dough.

"Well, Ali wanted cookies so we're making some."

"Yummy, the perfect dessert."

"What were you doing?"

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