dealing with bullies part 1

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3rd POV

At beacon academy students were at lunch As team rwby,jnpr and whitley and chomp
We're all enjoying their lunch

As they sat there eating thier food Nora was telling her story

Nora:there we are at night

Ren:it was day

Nora: surrounded by 5 boewolves

Ren:there were two

Nora:but there were me and Ren as use them as usura skin coats!

Ren:she been on the all morning

Whitley then speaks not trying be rude

Whitley:that was some dream...

He says Out of everyone Jaune was to busy on messing on his food as it caught the attention of one of his friends  as voice repetly call to him

"Juane? "


Jaune still does not reply and then finally

"Jaune !?"

For the third time he respone h took of his surroundings and realized everyone was looking at him

Jaune:huh uh hey guys whats up

Ruby looks at him with a worry face and then says

Ruby:jaune are you okey you don't seem... okey?

Jaune tries to laugh it off and does a pose

Juane:it okey guys I'm fine look

This was not convincing anyone as they look at him as chomp just went back to eating

Wiess:he definitely not okey

All of sudden they here a small cry of pain
That it was enough the stop th white that was to busy eating his fresh steak

They look at scene and saw Cardin an his team pulling on Velvet ears

Cardin:hah I told you there were real!

As he and team laughs

Sky:man what a freak

Team rwby and jpnr ,whitley did not like it

Blake:I just dispise people like him

Nora:Oh let break his legs!

Ren : I don't that a the answer

Whitley look at bullies picking on the student look at disgust

Whitely :does He ever stop picking on people

He was about to intervene when he notice chomp has disappeared

Whitley:what the were chomp

The team look at him

Wiess:huh what do mean

Whitley: he was right here a minute ago

The all look around wonder were the alien armored friend went and they hear a sound of clicking as focus were it was coming from at from Cardin team

but were was the sound

Chomp pov

Not only this same guy interrupted my eating ,he was messing with my friend oh let how big and tough when I'm done you

I was on top of the ceiling and I was right above the idiot and then I start clicking

With that it made stop pulling her ears the look around confused wonder who making it but the shrug it off and was about picknon er again and just start drool and growl as one the saliva touches him

They look up as I saw the hint fear one faces when the saw me I jump in front of him as they stepback as I approached them

Russell:hey um nice boy

As I approached them as they were backing away as Cardin who name I just learn start acting all tough

Cardin:come on I just a dumb animal why need afaid of it

He went for punch but I grab I with my claw and then start standing on my hind legs

It can see the fears on this jerks face as stare him mananclely

He look back and saw all off his friends were gone and look back at

Let how tough you from this

me as i give a ear percing roar wih that he collapse on his knee and look at me
As screams and runs for life


I just snort and go Velvet as check if she okey

Whitley POV

Wiess and here friends stood there in shocked as just laugh in amusement

Wiess:what just happened

Blake : I feel like witnessed a horror movies taking place..and it was good

Nora:that was ..AWSOME!!

Jaune:I never seen that before remind
Not piss him off

Ruby: I second that

He caught yang attention

Yang:why is that

She ask in a curious tone as I told here

Whitley:Oh, well she came to my dorm the other day and ask if I can go the city you guys

Yang:Oh so taking like to her ~

Wiess punch her arm as I look at them confused

Whitley:no it not that but actually when I was about reply chomp came out of now where and pounce on ruby

Wiess and Yang:huh

Wiess:Why would he do that ?

Whitley:I didn't understand it at first but when I saw dealing Cardin I can see why

Blake:see what ?

Whitely:he does NOT like anyone interrupt his eating

Rwby and Jpnr understand this and we look at chomp as nuzzle againt Velvet as the as i call back to chomp

Whitley:chomp come on your food might get taken

With that chomp was back in a nano second

Then yang tries to pet him

Yang:hey chomp that was a nic-

But then chomp just hiss at her as like he  telling her 'DONT TOUCH ME YOU PEASSET' as chomp went eating his food immediately as yang pouted

Yang:hmmp rude

As we all laugh at that

Whitley:trust me yang when chomp want to eat his food nothing will get in his way

Yang:*hufff*yeah your right

3rd POV

At the top of the academy tower ozpin was watching siping on his coffee


to be countiue...

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