the white spike and the bunny

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3rd POV

At beacon we see the group walking to the dorm room Whitley now the team known as team JNPR and they were walking Whitley asks something

Whitley:hey,if you don't mind asking what dorms like

Nora was the one to answer that it

Nora:it amazing!


Ruby then spoke

Ruby:yeah but it sometimes it can get crowded

Whitley says raising an eyebrow


Wiess:yeah it can get crowded and sometimes not have enough room

Whitley:huh I hope I have enough room for my stuff

As they walking chomp notice an odd smell it smell like a rabbit,he looked back at the group

Whitley than ask what the classes they have ,with that it gave chomp enough time to slip away to find the rabbit smell and probably hope it lunch

5 minutes later

Chomp search high and low looking the smell he kept searching that until he heard yelp

He jump on a tree and looked at a garden

What he saw a girl knee to some roses she had brown hair and a tank top and she have... rabbit ears

That explains the rabbit smell

She was known as Velvet

Chomp also smelled something that he never smell in a long time blood it was little small bit of it

He look and saw that the rabbit girl have been hurt,must been the thorns he thought

He watch and saw the girl is searching for something

Chomp was curious and what is she looking for as she looks around then chomp caught something that is shining and it look like it had a lens

The girl with the rabbit ears then says
'Where is my camera?'

Chomp didn't understand what a camera was but he then look at the object and back at girl then realized it was the thing she was looking for

With that chomp use his tantle to grab object and then went to rabbit that was searching for her camera

When got the bushes chomp lowered he tantical to unaware girl

Rabbit girl:I know I dropped it some were
Then she felt something touched her shoulder


Then she saw her camera

Velvet:hey my camera!

Then grabs her camera


but then stop for a moment

And then looks at her camera and look at the tantical and look were it leads to

And to suprise She sees a white creature on the tree above her she let a yelp and fell on the ground as she try to get away from the creature ,the white spike jump down the tree and approach the girl

She look a the creature In fear, scared for her life  and close her eyes await the pain but it..didn't came as she see the creature sitting looking at curiously

She look suprise why haven't attack and then the creature got closer making her tense it start sniffing


She stops afraid when the creature thought was going to attack start nuzzling her and she couldn't help but laugh

Velvet: hey stop that that tickles

Then she look at chomp as chomp look at her finger

Velvet saw what he's looking at and then says

Velvet:Oh don't worry I fine It just a thorn it not that bad

Okey with her answer chomp let out a chitter

Velvet then wonder what chomp was but can't put her mind into it

Velvet:you know I never to get just what you are

Hearing this chomp then saw a stick on the ground and grab it ,Velvet was confused what is going to do with that stick

He then began dragging stick on the dirt

When he was finished he jesters Velvet come over when got there she saw one word on ther dirt


Then she look at the creature


Chomp then nods,

Velvet:huh well it nice meet you Chomp

Then chomp hears whitley voice

Whitley" chooomp!"

He must be calling him chomp was about to leave when Velvet called out to him

Velvet:wait if it okey if I could take a picture of you

With that comp nods as with it Velvet prepare her camera

Velvet:ok say cheese

Then she take chomp piture

Velvet:thank you


Well it time chomp get going

And he then took off

With Whitley

Whitley wonder where he's friend could be until he hears some clicking he looks behind him and saw chomp

Whitley:chomp there you are where have been

Chomp respons by clicking

Whitley:yeah yeah Buddy come on we need meet the others

With that head off to there dorm and the wonder what will await them

To be countiued...

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