help and siblings

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* 3rd POV *

Back at the city of mantle where the Strom has taken place our white spike and young friend was getting comfortable in their shelter,but all of I about a change as the weather began to get clear and soon trouble was start to arise .

*whitley POV *

I was in our shelter reading a book brought earlier about creatures of remnant I tried look to what type of animal chomp was know he's not anything I ever seen when I got to every part of each page there was not a single info about him

I tried look up online but there was still nothing.

I groan defeat I look back at chomp who was laying down resting chewing on bone
I smiled on how cute he was nibbling on something.

It was morning I look out the building and noticed the Strom was getting clear

Oh no..

Oh no no no no

If the Strom is getting clear that means that people might see him!
Not only that who what they'll do

I have to think fast!
I got from the side of the room and go to chomp and tell him it time for us to leave

Whitley: hey ok bud were going out this town ok after that we look for you to stay

He look at me a tilting his head wondering why I told him we'll be okay he nods and gets up and began to stretch

I get some of things and a scroll as we ready head out


My human whitley,that his name now was walking around some alleyways places that are less crowded we stop at near by way at the conner of alley I don't know way.

I look at whitley,look like he's checking of something as peek at the side of the building before singling me to follow

We head to less populated area We countue on walking around the streets I thought on where we're going I was getting hungry

'I wonder what other meat is out there'
My thoughts were interrupted by yelp as something is in pain as we stopped an look around and we see to humans messing another human

It was a female and wait... are those ears?

She scream in pain as I look closely at them their were stepping on this human...tail?!

'Sence when humanshave ears and a  taill!?!?'

I once snapped back by sound yelling

human#1 : you pick a wrong time going this morning!

human#2: an now you pay us everything you owe

Fem human: please I have family waiting for me they haven't eaten on days!

Bad human#1: well to bad they starve of all I care!

They start to to laugh at her,I was getting angry how could these two humans be heartless to thier own kind!!?

The don't how it would feel like when didn't eaten anything at all and making her give something that is not thiers It just wrong!!!

I growl as if I want go in there and ripped them apart

*whitley POV *

I see to guys bullying  a funuas and how that they  talking about taking everything from her .

I  got mad and disgusted on how they do this !!?

My thoughts were stopped by some by some growling behind me it was chomp.i look back and know he not liking those two eather.

rise of the white spikes (rwby x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang