its not easy

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*3rd POV *

In a dorm in Atlas academy Whitley had received a call from his sister weiss,
As wiess ask Whitley what going on as Whitley began tells wiess on what had transpired.

*Whitley POV *

I was doing some drawing in my dorm,I was drawing a picture of chomp as I watch him eating a peace of meat but it not easy..
Each time I tried to draw him he's keep moving and turn the other way

Whitley: come on bud hold still

As I was drawing I think back my talk with wiess


Whitley sees wiess on screen as wiess ask

Wiess: whitley mind explain what going on

Whitley was then tells wiess

Whitley: well wiess what happen that father was about take away title as the schnee hair

Wiess raise an eye brow

Wiess:why is that? At least your not going be with father anymore,why that

Whitley:that not the worst part

Wiess becomes confused,why would that be worse all she know that her brother never liked her and also wanting to be father and the company

Wiess; what make you think what can be worse than father not making you his sussor

Then i tell wiess

Whitley:worse part is he would let me die out thier if wasn't found...

At that moment wiess suprise and then become disappointed at father actions

Wiess: he what but why!?

I breath in and then tell what next

Whitley:the thing is wiess that if the people father sent don't manage find me he would've leave me to die out while make you the his sussor and he dosent care if I wasn't found

After hearing this wiess look more shock and very angry

Then she regains her composer
Then says

Wiess: so let get this straight father would've left you die in a blizzard and even he sent to sent people to find you and if  they didn't he would leave you to die out there after words is that what you think?


Wiess:and let me become his sussor and not you 

I nod

Wiess: that unbelievable why would he do that

I thought back on what had happen before left and moved to mantle

Whitley:I don't know It best not to talk about it

Wiess:yeah but..still if I know father he would not care if we're hurt, just for us to his side ,but just for him would've leave you to die like that, It just not right

Whitley:yes...I know but still It won't stop me

Wiess:huh ? What that suppose mean?

Whitly: Because I have a friend with me that will support me all the away

Wiess: huh

Whitley:BYE WIESS!

End of Flashback

I was drawing I saw chomp looking my drawing

I chuckled

Whitley: do you like it

As I show him the drawing he click and chirps

I'm glad you like it

As he smiled as his friend went back eating his meat as whitley when back drawing and might draw more art in hope to show to chomp,

To be countiued...

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