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*3rd POV*

After dealing with the gimm and saving the that is known as whitley ,our white spike and his friend is now looking for a place what out the blizzard and now the one question remains ...

' Chomp Stomach growls while whitley looks at him'

What our white spike gonna eat?

*whitley POV*

After this creature save me from the grimm the one best thing to do is repay him It did save my life and also its hungry

The first thing to do is get out this blizzard
While we are both walking I notice that one of its leg was hurt and it was limping...

yeah walking with a creature that can kill me any minute by now but it didn't

As we walked I saw a a abandoned store so I tell him or her something

Whitley:hey let's head there it should help us what out the Strom

I waited for a response...

And it..nodded

Huh he can understand me well I don't have to worry about that


I nod my head and head to place to what out the Strom when we got infornt of the building we open the door the place was a mess.

There was broken glass broken shelves and claw marks and also trash every where
I chirp to the human who turn to me I wonder why here and the tells me

*whitley POV *

When we got in the white creature chirp to me as I turn to it,it looks around and chirp again i wondering why a then it I got what it ment and tell him

Whitley: my might not the place for now trust me believe me I don't like it but aslo will help us in the Strom and it can use some let's get to it

So me and friend start to clean store as I sweep and move the trash out while my friend move some the broken furniture away Alin with busted shelves and after a minute the place was clean and humble enough stay.

My stomach starts growling and I'm not he only one my friend was hungry too
I chuckled

I guess its time for me to get some food

As I was about to walk out my friend was flowing me i stop and stop him not to him/her look at me confused on why

I kneel down and put my hand to his cheek and tell him

Whitley: listen I can't take u to any places right now not only with the grimm prowling
Some parts of the city and this Strom but...

I look around at the store and back to him

Whitley: even if I were to find a store or some place people night freak out if they see you so...please don't go any were wait here till I get back okay

It took him/her a second and it chirp and nod, knowing it understands

I got up began walking to door when I was thier I look back at him and tell him

Whitley: I'll be right back so don't worry I won't be gone for to long

As I tell he sits to back of the room as I walk out and close the door to fi, some food for us.

*Time skip whitley and chomp enjoy the view while watching the strom inside *

*whitley POV *

I was walking around for a store look around looking if any of them have food as looking to luck I found one I quickly over go there and went in as I look look at manger she and er oployes was serving hot chocolate let I didn't now why maybe I because of the Strom.

I guess the costumer come first I shook of those thoughts and look around for some for me And friend come to think of it what does he's l/she eat I think of of it while as I pick up some snack for myself.

So I think back on what he use to fight those grimm. He had shrap teeth

So i went to get some meat
But what if he doesn't eat that all could think he be an omnivore and plant eater

So I grab som fruits
After getting the food i look around for bandages and some alcohol to help his wounds
After getting all of stuff I went to cashier

Chashier: hi how can I help you

Whitley: yeah I like to bey these

As I give her the stuff

Cashier : sure right thin-

She pauses and stare then I look at her

Whitley:miss are you ok?

Then she replies

Cashier"your whitley schnee "

Whitley: ah...yes I'm am why?

Casher:That strange why are doing here in mantle ?

I quickly think of something

Whitley:I came here to see uh ...a friend
Yeah ,I came to see friend

Then she look at me surprised

Cashier: well I never knew the son of Jacques schnee had friends

I graon at sound of that

Whitly : Yeah some things happened.
I said nervously

Cashier: well here u go

She gave my the groceries and gave my thanks and left

*Timeskip while chomp sleeping *

*3rd POV *

Inside the old abandoned store our white spike was pacing back and forth getting worried for his friend and wonder if he's okey just then the door open revealing young boy.


The boy came back had brought back with
Some sack think It humans use to carry their food in

I was I was happy he was okey I went to him I nuzzle a laughter a bit and give my a head pat

He close the door after went inside he put down the sack

And began take out what in the sack,
He took out three colorful round things some more color like sacks but

What got my attention was one thing i recognized all to well.

After he's was done he put it infont of me
I wonder why I look at the food and back at him he tells me to go on ahead I went for it

And it was..DELICIOUS!!!

*whitley POV *

I look at my friend think which food he will
Pick if he eats the fruit then he eat plants but I eat the steak and turkey he/she eat meat, or bot

I waited while eat my chips

It start sniffing plant it didn't like it and then meat and he/she starts taking a bite of it star eating it like crazy!!

'It seem like it eat meat,good thing I brought more'

As he's was eating took out the bandages and disaffected alcohol and approach as he/she look at me

Whitley: its Okey I'm gonna help with your wound

It nodded as I began looking at it wounds it has bad so I got to work as I pour the alcohol on the rage ant touch it wound I yelp on pain,I calmed it down went back to work after i was done I warp it with some bandages

I was ask he/she some thing

Whitley: hey if you don't mind are a boy or girl

It look at me and the got up and starts scratching on the floor after it was done
I look at it and confirms that it he

So I thought a name for him as he's chomp on some turkey till i finally got one

Whitley: that right I call you chomp

He began to chirp as it like the name
I gave to my friend

To be countiued...

rise of the white spikes (rwby x reader)Where stories live. Discover now