the talk

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*3rd POV *

Back at Atlas academy Whitley and Winter we're reaching the communication tower to make a call while there were walking Whitley ask Winter who there going call Winter tells Whitley that there are calling there mother and then head to ironwood

Whitley nod as they head towards the tower,they go through the sucrity and up the elevator Winter ask how Whitley able to survive the blizzard knowing her brother would complain and might be freezing in the cold.

Winter: you know you haven't complain the moment I went to pick up...what happened

Whitley sweat drop and chocked for moment knowing what will happen if she finds out about chomp

Whitley: Oh..just tired that's all

Winter: Really.. well most of the time you might could have whine about

Whitley felt offended by this

Whitley: hey I don't that!

Winter rolls her eyes by her brother antics

Winter: okey if you say so

After that they finally reached the place were the could call there mother.

*whitley POV *

That was close it good thing  pretended for me being offend payed off

I wonder were chomp could be

We reached the top of the tower and went inside head to the booth we ask the operator we'll like a call back home we ask the operator patch us through

It took a few seconds before the person from the other end answered

*phone noises *

???: hello this willow schnee?

Winter:mother how you been doing

Mother: W...Winter!?

I hope mother can control herself when she see me

Winter: mother are you okey

Mother: well just that my baby is is missing .I'm scared and worried that he's out there alone!

Mother: And ever since I talked to your father that we have find him..he's just

Winter: he what?

Winter voice sound like it was filled with venom and came next had really made her go in flames

Mother: he's just said that if they can't find him he'll just make ...wiess the new hair to the company!

After mother said that Winter body has a fire like aura around her..litterly

Winter: HE WHAT! BUT WHY!?

I could fell the cold changing to heat as mother countues

Mother: he told some of the Atlas guards
To help find him and say  that if they can't find him than he'll give wiess the tltle as for whitley...

Should be left to die

I put my arms from the flames of rage from winter
Right after she said that,

I'm I suppose be left behind in that hell while he'll give wiess the title without her knowing he would have left  me behind on purpose that so wiess will be force to stop being a huntress then will have go same stuff I had went much I hate them leaving me bieng behind but to come back to be abuse again.

i thought everything that had happened was bad enough?

how could father do this?

I tap on Winter shoulder and she look at me and calm for a few seconds and then look back at mother

rise of the white spikes (rwby x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ