009. Here To Help.

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AS IT got dark out, a bit of a realization hit Valerie as she covered her face. "Shit!" She said and Eddie looks at her. "What's up?" He asked and she sighs. "I was supposed to meet up with Robin last night." She says and raised her third beer bottle to take a sip.

"Oh, shit, she must be worried." Eddie took a long sip from his beer. "This is crazy." Val rubs her hands over her face, softly shaking her head. "I was supposed to just be there for Chrissy, help her buy some drugs then head home. To my girlfriend. And instead... I--I--" "Robin will understand, right?" Eddie tells her and she immediately glanced at him.

"I hope so..." She said and Eddie sighs, glancing away. "I mean, at least you're not the one who died. No goodbyes, no explanation or anything to her or your friends." He said and Val felt tears sting the back of her eyes then fell from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. "That--that's happened to me too many times." She choked out and Eddie instanyly looks at her. "I don't want Robin, Steve or Dustin, or any of the other kids to feel that kind of pain, ever," she cried softly and Eddie kind of patted her back gently. "Relax, Smith... you're okay." He says.

At the sound of a car pulling up, Eddie immediately got up, rushing over to the window by the door. "Who is it?" Val asked and Eddie glanced over. "Unsure. Let's hide." He whispered and rushed back over. From underneath the tarp, Eddie was holding a broken beer bottle Val hadn't noticed he broke.


"This place is a dump." At the sounds of her friend's voices, Val's eyes lit up with glee but an arm was still held over her waist, keeping her in place as she taps Eddie's shoulder gently but he doesn't listen as he puts a finger to his lips. "Don't worry. Steve will get him with his oar."

"I know you think you're being funny, Dustin, but considering the fact everyone in this room nearly died about a thousand times, I don't think it's funny--" Steve is cut off by Eddie jumping out of the boat, making them all scream.

Val's eyes widen as she sat up quickly, seeing the scene play out before her, a new friend she's made through a shared traumatic experience, holding a broken bottle to her best friend's neck as the others all yelled at him. "Eddie!" Dustin yelled and Val quickly stood up. "Robin!" She said and jumped out of the boat. "Val!" The blonde gasped as Val ran past Dustin who's staring at her in shock.

She wrapped her arms around the girl's waist as Robin hugged back tightly. "I thought I lost you." The taller girl said quietly, rubbing her girlfriend's back as Val looked over. "They're cool, Eddie." She said and Eddie looks at Steve who nods. "Yeah, I'm cool, man. I'm cool." He whispered quickly. "What are you doing here?" Eddie merely asked, glaring at Steve as Val kept her arms around Robin's waist and her head on her shoulder. "For you. We were looking for you both." Dustin said, glancing at Val and the curly headed girl smiles softly.

"We're here to help." Robin says, her hand still on Val's waist, rubbing the side of it gently. "Eddie, we can trust them... right, guys?" Val said, glancing at them as the boy glanced over for a split second. "Yeah. You know, Robin. From band." Dustin gestured to the girls to his right. "Yeah. My girlfriend." Val nods her head and Eddie just glanced at them.

"And Max, the one who never wants to play D&D." Dustin gestured to the other and Val hides her mouth from them. "My favourite, but don't tell Dustin that." She whispers as Max just smiled proudly and the boy looks offended.  Eddie just looks at her, smiling a bit as he realized she's trying to lighten the mood, or maybe perhaps hide how she really feels about what happened to Chrissy the other night. "I'm right here and I'm not deaf!" Dustin exclaims.

"Right. Um, and that's my best friend, Steve I'd kindly appreciate you let go of?" Val says. "Eddie. We're on your side." Dustin says and then Eddie does so, Steve rushing away, over to Val who immediately wraps her arms around his shoulders despite him being taller. "You okay?" She pulls back quickly as he rubs his neck now. "Are you? Me and Robin were so worried you were the dead body." He said right away and she just frowned at that.

She feels even more guilty for what happened the night prior as she then pulls both of them into her arms and Dustin goes over to Eddie. "You won't believe me." The Munson said as Val pulls back from her best friend and girlfriend, slowly turning around. "Try us." Max says and Val came over to stand to her side.

"I--I can tell them what happened..." She said because she can sense Eddie is anxious about having to tell what happened. "Yeah, Val? I'd really appreciate that." His voice wavered slightly and she nods softly, glancing to the others. "Um... so, long story short, we watched a girl die in front of us." She started off strong and Robin raised her brows. "What?"

The others gathered in front of Robin and Val, the two girls sitting side by side and holding hands as Eddie came over to sit down on the floor by Valerie, just listening carefully. "Um, so Chrissy, uh, was like the only friend I had on the cheer squad, I was co-captain so I spent a lot of time with her, and, um, quite recently, she--she trusted me to ask me to go with her, to--to get drugs from Ed." She said and she pointed towards the boy who's staring in one spot, his arms crossed over his knees.

"Um, and--and that's where I went after the basketball game, so--so, um, then I went with Eddie to his room to try and convince him to not sell her drugs, when we got back, she... she was sort of in this trance-like state, and, um---" She paused, her breath hitching slightly as she realized it was harder to recap what happened than she thought it would be.

Robin softly squeezed her hand so she glanced down, putting her other hand over Robin's. "Um... she--she started floating in the air, and when she just hung there, in the--the air, her bones--" she gasped softly, looking down again. "Her bones started to snap." Eddie finished for her, glancing up at the others. "And her eyes, it was like something was inside, pulling." He continued on as Valerie turned to Robin, leaning against her with tears filling her eyes.

"I didn't know what to do, so I ran." Eddie's voice got quiet, looking down. "And Val came with me." He gestured to the girl then glanced up. "You guys think I'm crazy." He says and Max quickly shook her head. "No." Dustin denied. "Don't bullshit me, man! I know how this sounds." The Munson boy exclaimed.

"We're not bullshitting you." Max says as Val lifted her head up slowly and Robin's rubbing the back of her hand. "We believe you." The Buckley spoke up as Val sighs. "Guys, it might be better to explain... what we know?" She suggests and Eddie glanced over right away.

"What you know? Wha--what's that?"

"What I'm about to tell you might be a little... difficult to take." Dustin spoke up who Eddie now glanced over at. "Okay." He says. "You know how people say Hawkins is... cursed? They're not way off." The Henderson starts.

authors note i love my oc and her gf and her bff <3 anyways, i really strongly believe they should've just gave robin a gf in st4, idc, she's too fine to be single. like i wouldn't be mad if they were just like "here's robin's girlfriend she got in the first few months of her senior year, vickie" with no development at all, i'd just be happy she got a girlfriend at all
but no 😔 the duffers hate gay ppl </3

+ i slept in (i get the day off on fridays) so i couldn't update until now

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